Read & Win Competition

To encourage your children to love reading and creativity

About the Center

Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture was established as an innovative addition among scientific research centers in the Arab region. The center includes an electronic library, scientific surveys, cultural competitions, seminars, workshops and educational lectures presented by experts in their fields. The center works to promote scientific research, education and cultural dissemination in the Arab region

Services East Center

Children's Stories Section

Electronic Art Exhibition (A E E)

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Promo ceremony honoring the winners of the literary competition to write boys’ stories “lack them”

Articles: Political and historical angle

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دراسة: خسائر قطاع غزة تجاوزت 75 مليار دولار

دراسة: خسائر قطاع غزة تجاوزت 75 مليار دولار   أجرى مركز الشرق للأبحاث والثقافة دراسة خاصة لتقدير حجم الخسائر التي تسبب بها العدوان الإسرائيلي على …

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أوقفوا العدوان الهمجي على غزة

بيان صادر عن مركز الشرق للأبحاث والثقافة يدين فيه عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الهمجي على الشعب الفلسطيني   إننا في مركز الشرق للأبحاث والثقافة ندين بأشد العبارات العدوان …

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The Role of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Public Policy Formulation

The role of the Palestinian Legislative Council in formulating public policies and binding its decisions     legal Study,   Adviser/ a. Abdullah Mohammed Abu …

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Articles: Cultural and social angle

Articles: Economic and financial angle

-تنفيذ-الخطط-الإستراتيجية-في-المؤسسات- Home

Obstacles to the implementation of strategic plans in institutions

Obstacles to the implementation of strategic plans in institutions By Eng. Mohamed Ali Adwan   The strategic plan is the main tool for institutions to …

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The fate of the shekel currency

The fate of the shekel currency   By Emad Taha   What will happen to the shekel if Israel disappears? Before delving into this sensitive …

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Government steps in the right direction

Government steps in the right direction   By Ayman Tayseer Dalloul Palestinian writer and journalist   Despite the financial hardship and the many problems and …

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The Oriental Culture Research Center provides completely fair and objective public opinion polls, Measuring public opinion is an important basis for guiding decision-makers in contemporary society and monitoring interactions in various fields of politics, society, economy and life. Polls follow a scientific methodology and can provide correct and accurate choices.We seek to meet the needs of beneficiaries of accurate surveys in the Arab world, We adopt a rigorous, transparent and neutral scientific methodology, In order to serve public opinion, politicians, decision-makers, official and popular institutions, scientific, media, social and economic institutions and researchers.Our motto: Share your opinion for a better reality. Follow the latest surveys.

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