Book of Popular Games in Palestine

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Book of Popular Games in Palestine



Author Name / Mr. Khaled Mahmoud El-Batrawy

International number/ 9789950060906

Number of pages / 496

Page Size / 24*17


Popular games are those practiced by individuals in their different environments spontaneously, and it is an organized education that is not organized by an institution, individual or group, but rather a cultural heritage and social tradition transmitted by individuals from generation to generation. They practice it outdoors, in the streets, lanes, public squares and in front of homes, which means that it is not practiced autonomously, but is subject to rules and principles that the participants adhere to.



This is considered a physiological, mental and spiritual necessity for both the child, the young person and the elderly alike, through which the abilities develop and exhaust the energies as the play function of emptying and venting through which the individual expresses openly, directly or indirectly, his internal conflicts, so we find him loves and hates unites with his game deals with it through himself and through his relationship with others uses many defensive mechanisms in his dealings during play, he drops what is inside him uses regression and exaltation deals with his activities and games as another occurs He reproaches him and loves him.



Popular games are considered innovative games inherited from generation to generation that express the customs, traditions, concerns and aspirations of peoples and individuals and depict the historical stages and struggle of these peoples and their struggles for salvation and independence, and perhaps this is evident in our Palestinian popular games .
The Palestinian folk games stem from the Palestinian environment, which is part of the authentic Arab environment and is part of the Arab folklore that must be preserved and fought for its survival. Because it presents a model of life in the environment with its character, traditions and system, Living peoples and nations are always proud of their popular games because they express them and their special nature that distinguishes them from other peoples.


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The Arab folk games were common among the Arabs and were considered the only outlet for all individuals of all ages, as they bring happiness to the soul and renew pleasure and activity and help to create a social environment for the growth of good qualities in individuals and create the way for positive interaction between the individual The group contributes to the refinement of human instincts in fighting and fighting.


And when I recorded and wrote these games, I made sure to convey them as they are in nature, spontaneity, simple and colloquial words and expressions to maintain their context and the internal music they contain. Local accent. Therefore, some may find it difficult to pronounce these games, especially those that contain some songs.



There may be some locally-in-law terms, words and words that have other meanings derived from other environments.


To overcome this problem, I am ready to provide the reader with everything he wants bad through audio recording or explanation of some of these games.



This will be, God willing, facilitating communication with me through lotus or other means of communication.


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