Design and publish your book now  via the Bespoke service 

>> Features obtained by the author and publisher:

1- Designing an outer cover for the book.
2- Internal coordination of the book.
3- Issuance of an ISBN.
4- Linguistic review of the book.
5- Publishing the book in social media and funded ads.
.. And many other features (see below)

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Financial returns and other advantages:

50% of book sales go to the author The author receives a free electronic or printed copy of his book according to the contracted package.

Therefore we collect the value of the author’s book sales, and deposit his share in his bank account every year, Provide him with periodic sales reports.
The book is available on the platform for orders, Up to 4 weeks after the appointment of a clerk.
Free and permanent publication of the book on the site’s platform and through social media.
Everyone who publishes more than 10 books gets the right to download any number of books from the site an inexpensive annual subscription.

Service cost per book:

Our website offers several electronic and paper publishing packages via print on demand services starting from print 20 (package features and prices below).
the official contract is signed with the author, The author receives a signed and sealed copy.
The author is required to copy the national ID or passport.
The author must have a copy of the national identity card or passport.
The author is required to have an electronic copy of his book in Microsoft Word format
paper printing is available to everyone, However, the accompanying measures and distribution are limited to the Gaza Strip only.

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*Things to be careful with before posting an order*

Make sure the content is valid First of all

Before sending your order, Make sure you are ready to publish your content and so we do not receive orders for books that are still being written or prepared and send your requests to us, which always confirms the correctness, integrity and review of the content, which are not owned by the owner or do not violate intellectual property laws.

Register for our membership secondly

Registration on the website of the East Center for Research and Culture is not basically mandatory, But it provides all means and means of communication with all our services, support team and customer service, It also provides a safe way to share with other authors, You may also use your personal information. Through membership you can follow your business news with us, exhibitions, activities and events we cover.

Learn about the terms and conditions thirdly

Being an author or one of the applicants for our paid, free, or lucrative support or services, You can access them from the gallery introduction page and the mechanism of action.
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To contract now and get the service:

Please contact the site manager of the East Center for Research and Culture via phone number 00447537107012, or through e-mail , Or messenger

To fill out the registration form >>

To view prices and purchase the service >>