The Book of Jerusalem in Human Discourse

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Book Name / The Book of Jerusalem in Human Discourse

Author Name / Collective Author

Supervised by / Abdul Muttalib Brahmi – Dr. Idris Jaradat

Presented by Prof. Ibrahim Sahraoui

International number/ 9789950060210

Number of pages /353

Page Size / A5

Since ancient times, Jerusalem has enjoyed a prominent place in the Arab discourse – and then Islamic – in its various manifestations and contents civilized, religious, political, cultural, literary, geographical and existential trips, etc. At least since it was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an indirectly by referring to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Surat Al-Isra (verse-1), Thus, it was the path of our master Muhammad, may God bless him, and the point of his miraj and the first qibla before the revelation of the divine command, “Let us give you a kiss that pleases her. Fill your face with the part of the Grand Mosque, Wherever you are, turn your faces to the halves” (al-Baqarah 144).

Then came the age covenant at the Arab-Islamic conquest when the Rashidun Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, moved to it and gave himself security to its people, their property and their beliefs. By extension,

Even shortly before the setback and the Israeli occupation, visiting the city was one of the supplements to the Hajj pilgrimage for those who were able to reach (and from) it. Therefore, it was natural that they should be mentioned in all interpretations when dealing with the verses mentioned or those to which they referred. In the honorable biography and Sunnah of the Prophet when mentioned the events associated with it.

In the biography of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, the history of the conquests, the political history of the emerging Islamic state, the history of relations between minorities of all kinds, and central governance in general (and Islamic in particular), As well as the general history of the city and its influence on events and their impact on it, Especially those relating to the peoples and nations in dispute, Especially in modern times.

Hence its important geopolitical position and its strong influence in international relations as it is the center and orbit of the Arab-Israeli conflict, It is not surprising that it is the backbone of politics here and there and the subject of its initiatives, programs, projects and various tracks, so it is frequently mentioned in the media of all kinds and becomes one of the constants of Arab and non-Arab media discourse.

We also cannot neglect its material and moral charm and its constant attraction to visitors, We have already mentioned that visiting her in past periods is one of the supplements to the Hajj, It is not surprising that it is the subject of their blogs that describe their observations, document their meetings and conversations, and record their feelings and feelings.

As for literature, of all kinds and different genres, it has been one of its main themes that are frequent, especially after it has become in recent decades a title of steadfastness in the conflict referred to and a sign of struggle, adherence to the land, a clear and unequivocal rejection of Israeli claims and work to refute them by all means and possibilities, including resistance and armed action whenever there is a way to do so.

This is in addition to emphasizing its Arab-Islamic identity and confronting the Judaization projects carried out by the Zionist entity, for example, making it its political capital with the complicity of some Western countries that have moved their embassies there.


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In this context, the following studies are included in an attempt to draw some of the features of their inclusion in this discourse in its various manifestations and thematic fields. The first study looked at it through Andalusian eyes through the journey of Abu Al-Baqa Khalid bin Isa bin Ahmed bin Ibrahim bin Abi Khalid Al-Balawi, whose facts were recorded in his book: “Taj al-Mafraq fi Tahliyat al-Ulama al-Mashreq”, While the following study tried to highlight the city’s religious and historical importance and show its contribution to Arab culture and civilization on the one hand, and research on the other hand the problem of the conflict of Jerusalem identity in light of the Zionist domination and its multiple projects to Judaize the city.

The linguistic lesson was not absent from this book, The third topic was a pragmatic study of the speech of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) on the occasion of the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Islamic culture (2019) at its structural, semantic and deliberative levels. He explained how the components and units of these levels came together to highlight the general meaning of this discourse, which is an affirmation of the Arabism and Islamism of Jerusalem and the belief that its night will not be long, as it will undoubtedly be followed by the dawn of liberation in order to return to its natural incubator: Arabism and Islam, It is also an affirmation of continuing the path of resistance and fighting for that noble goal.

As for the image reflected in the literary discourse of Jerusalem – especially poetic – it was the subject of the next study, which highlighted the multiplicity of these images and their development through the study and analysis of poems by Palestinian poets that portrayed the city in the eras of Turkish rule, then the Mandate, then the Nakba and then the occupation in a way that is no longer difficult because the subject controlled by all of them is the clash between the image of the divine and holy Jerusalem and the image of Jerusalem. Palestinian, the clash that takes different forms from one stage to another so that poets’ conception of the image of Jerusalem becomes a kind of dialectical relationship between life and death, lifelessness and death.

Like the first study, the fifth study returns to the literature of the journey, conveying to us the image of Jerusalem through the eyes of Moroccan travelers through the journeys of Abdari and Ibn Battuta. Trips in general and Moroccan trips in particular are a fertile field for historical recording because of the information they carry useful in knowing the civilizational, cultural, scientific, social, economic, geographical and other aspects.

In this context, the city of Jerusalem has enjoyed an important place in the books of the Moroccan trip due to its religious and spiritual status in the hearts of Muslims in general and Moroccans in particular. I tried to present a picture of it characterized by an accurate description of its mosques and urban landmarks in a beautiful language full of feelings and feelings stemming from the holiness of the place.

The next study returns to poetry again to show how it deals with Jerusalem. It works to highlight its presence in the Arab and Algerian poetic imagination by reading the passion of commitment in the light of the poetic contributions of modern and contemporary Arab and Algerian poets to the Jerusalem cause in particular and the Palestinian cause in general. which has become the engine of national and civilized awareness for every free human being, Especially in what has become known as the “deal of the century”, Which hides behind it an outright treachery that goes with the glory of the nation, its present and its future.

The next article went on to talk about the migration of Moroccan families to the city of Jerusalem and Palestine, highlighting the dates of their settlement, the motives for their migration and the roles they played there.

The following study sought to show the extent of interest in Jerusalem and the Jerusalem issue in specialized periodicals by choosing Al-Sanabel Heritage magazine as a model and identifying the content of the material published about it as well as the role it plays towards it.

The book Al-Quds in Human Discourse concludes a study aimed at revealing the features of the communicative discourse of a number of Palestinian forms and popular heritage materials such as the keffiyeh, shawl or scarf and their national and cultural symbolism that chronicles Jerusalem and the nobility of the Palestinian people. It represents an essential component in the formulation of personality and the crystallization of national identity.

Therefore, she decided to investigate the role played by the Palestinian keffiyeh in Arab culture in particular. Then research on the endeavors of authenticity and modernity of the nature of the local folk heritage and the places of work on it in Arab drama. Based on the above, the study tries to answer the following question: How effective is the use of Palestinian popular cultural heritage in Arab drama? How did the traditional keffiyeh influence Arab culture?


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