Book on the way back

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Book on the way back

Book Name/Book on the Way Back

Author Name / Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan

International number/ 9789950060227

Number of Book Pages / 166

Page Size / A5

The book reviewed thirty-four topics that directly focus on the issue of Palestinian refugees and the right of return. It is the most important and serious issue that has eluded politicians, organizations and countries and continues to pose the greatest challenge to stability in the Middle East and the world.


These topics included explanations, analyses, discussions and suggestions, They were all in the service of the refugee cause, This includes mapping the way back, and frayed international resolutions on return.


And relevant Palestinian, Arab and international steps and how they approached or moved away from the right of return, The attitude towards UNRWA and its repeated reduction measures, One of the most prominent topics was talking about refugees as a driving factor for the region. and the series Topics on the Way Back that gave the book her name.


In my hands a book on the way back:


The issue of Palestinian refugees and the right of return is the core of the Palestinian cause. It concerns the fate of two-thirds of the Palestinian people. This issue has attracted the attention of Palestinian and non-Palestinian writers.


It emerged as one of the most important and dangerous negotiation files for the final stage of the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations. and Arab-Israeli, In order to resolve it, he presented many initiatives, projects and resolutions, all of which failed to achieve any measure of this infallible issue.


Writing on this high-level national cause is an honor that every writer, thinker and national politician seeks. Addressing it from several aspects is an important requirement in shedding light on this big issue from different angles, and therefore the author has touched on many topics in this book, each of which deals with the issue of refugees and the right of return with a party. The themes of this book are separate but in the same context that serves the cause of refugees and the right of return.


It is important for every researcher and writer on this subject to read the studies and writings of his predecessors. And I’ve worked on it during my writings, Here I invite researchers, interested people and politicians to see these topics, as they shorten a lot of time and effort, and there is no need to always start from scratch.




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