The book of resistance without violence “The Great March of Return”

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Book Name / Resistance Without Violence “The Great March of Return”

Author Name / Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan

International number/ 9789950060067

Number of pages / 90

Page Size / A5

The study came in two semesters, The first chapter dealt with the concept of resistance to non-violence, He defined resistance linguistically and idiomatically, Then the popular resistance, Non-violent resistance, and its means, and their models in the world, and their features, And its forms in the history of the Palestinian struggle.

The second chapter dealt with the Great March of Return, and he defined it, He talked about its introductions, objectives, He reviewed 75 of its tools.

In what can be considered exclusively for its tools that are similar to those of resistance to non-violence globally, The chapter touched on some of the tactics of the March of Return, and an evaluative view of the process, And the most important findings and recommendations of the author.

The study aimed to clarify the relationship between the March of Return and resistance to non-violence by answering a key question: What are the similarities between the Great March of Return and resistance to nonviolence?

The importance of the study is that it is one of the first studies to discuss the affiliation of the March of Return to non-violent resistance. This is proven by the study.

The study relied on primary sources and important documents. The author has used relevant scientific approaches such as: Case Study Methodology, and the descriptive approach, and the inductive approach.


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