Opening Book and Settlement Projects

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Book Name / Opening Book and Settlement Projects

Author Name / Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan

International number/ 9789950060136

Number of pages / 200

Page Size / A5

One of the settlement projects for the Palestinian cause in the first quarter century since its establishment, In terms of the evolution of its position on UN Security Council Resolution 242, The Rogers Initiative, The United Kingdom project, and the exile government, The Alexandria Statement, The Soviet-American statement, The Venice Statement, Prince Fahd Initiative and the Fez Summit, The Reagan Initiative, and the second Brezhnev initiative.


The evolution of the position on the Geneva Conference, And the Ten Points Project in 1974, The Palestinian State Project, He also entered into contacts and talks with Jews from inside and outside Palestine, and addressed Fatah’s position on the Egyptian-Israeli agreements.


The importance of this book is highlighted in shedding light on the positions of Fatah and monitoring all changes in them. Based on their sources first, Following the historical research method and the analytical method. Among the most important results were: Fatah retracted its principled positions in favor of engaging to varying degrees in settlement projects during the study period.



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