The Last Bite Novel

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Book Name/Last Bite Novel

Author Name / Dr. Mohamed Hussein Salha

International Number / 9789950060241

Number of pages / 216

Page Size / A5

The defeat of 1967 was a second Nakba in the life and history of the Palestinian people. Having left a deep wound in the hearts of Palestinians and honorable Arabs, The Palestinians found only weapons as a way to escape humiliation and captivity.

So a shooting star trained in weapons, and resists enemies, It combines science and resistance, He received a high grade in high school, and an educational scholarship in Algeria.

It was adopted by a patriotic Algerian family who revere Palestine and the resistance. He married their only daughter (Nisreen), Continue to train in the use and manufacture of weapons, He enrolled in a course in military aviation and graduated as an outstanding pilot. He also graduated from Algerian universities,

He obtained the three certificates (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate).

He traveled to Asian Cambodia and learned to dig military tunnels, and when he returned to Palestine, he dug a tunnel with his comrades resisting and were able to capture a soldier from the occupiers, to be an alternative to the Palestinian prisoners in the occupation prisons, so that he could see the light that they were deprived of.

In the hands of the novel of the last bite:

Poor you, you who have broken his hopes, in pursuit of achieving and obtaining his minimum rights and dreams on his land and obtaining his freedom and full dignity, You wake up and touch those sounds that your ear is used to hearing, Not for anything but because you are Palestinian you carried the concern of your cause from a young age So the brother betrayed you, And the enemy will punish you, And alienation drowned you in the mud of its torments…

But don’t be sad, the homeland is based on the sacrifices of its sons, There is a difference between those who died honorable defending their homeland, And among those who fell as traitors, He desecrated the purity of his land.

(The Last Bite) embodies the pain experienced and experienced by one of the sons of this struggling people, He soaked his ambitions with the arrogant nose of the occupier, This was achieved only after a hard effort, imprisonment and torture, stalking and threatening, And a long way away, And a long stay awake, and a stubborn person, It is Shihab who had a share of his name, embodies reality and actions, No equivocation and words.

Victory can only be achieved with the determination of men. And the heroes of the heroes, planning and struggle, It is a language that only those who have tasted the same pain understand, The rope of ambition and hope was not cut off, So he now shares the same weapon with his brother and shares his joys and sorrows…

It is a realistic novel whose events and pains exceeded the number of pages. I wish the writer more success and repayment.



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