Hamas’s Fixed and Changing Document

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Book Name / Hamas Document Fixed and Variable Book

Author Name / Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan

International Number/ 9789950060258

Number of Book Pages / 50

Page Size / A5

The book reviewed the changes that occurred in the charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) issued in 1988. With the issuance of its political document in 2017 entitled “Document of Principles and Public Policies”.

In terms of objectives, the definition of movement, And its view of Palestine and its main issues, such as Jerusalem andrefugees, and the dimensions of the regional and international Palestinian cause.

and its view of Zionism and Israel, and the Palestinian political system, and its position on the Palestine Liberation Organization. The study was based on Hamas documents and primary sources, It reached conclusions that there are some important variables, such as a change in goals, and the use of modern language, Chief among them is that the movement described itself as a liberation movement.

In the hands of Hamas’ fixed and changing document:

The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” issued two important documents, They clarify the movement’s thought, principles and principles; the first of which the movement called the “charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement”, It was issued at the beginning of the movement in 1988, Second, the movement called it the “Document of Principles and Public Policies”.

It was issued twenty-nine years after the Charter was written in 1988. Three decades have passed are enough to justify the issuance of a new document that takes into account the developments of these years.

The importance of this research is highlighted by the importance of Hamas as one of the largest current Palestinian resistance movements. Among the importance of the documents addressed by presentation and analysis, the importance of the differences between the two documents, and the importance of the results of the research.

The research will answer a key question: How did Hamas’ 2017 document of principles and policies differ from Hamas’ charter (1988) and its previous literature?

The book of the Hamas Fixed and Changing Document aims to observe the differences and variables between the Hamas Charter of 1988. and subsequent statements, And between its 2017 political document, In terms of the objectives of the movement, and its definition of itself, And its view of Palestine and its main issues and its regional and international dimensions, and its view of Zionism and Israel, and the Palestinian political system, and its position on the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The author has adopted an analytical research method, and comparative analysis, and transmit the content, And the inductive approach, where all the articles included in the Hamas Charter and its political document are followed, And the historical method, where he reviewed the literature of the movement in its historical context. The author also relied on the primary sources of Hamas, including documents and data. and writings issued by its leaders, or oral accounts of each other, Which enriches the research and raises the degree of its importance.


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