Book of Arab Narrative Genres and Heritage

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Book Name / Book of Arab Narrative Types and Heritage

Author Name / Collective Author

Supervision / Dr. Sumaya Bania – Dr. Idris Jaradat

International Number/ 9789950060203

Number of pages of the book /610

Page Size / A5

In this book, we aim to monitor contemporary experiences in the fields of creativity and criticism, Specifically those that wanted to shake off the dust of the years on this Arab narrative, and the ignorance of marginalization, He returned some of his brilliance by summoning him, employing him and investing him.

The book included research and articles dubbed by serious and diligent academic researchers, Some of them are heart in the folds of the Arab narrative heritage, And I work in his texts in analysis and interpretation, And he drained from his ammunition visions and electrolytes, It was infiltrated in the official and the popular, And the authentic and the intruder.


Others turned towards contemporary literary works (fiction,stories and poetry) in order to explain the presence of the traditional narrative travels that were equal to us. Or show the effect of what is in multiplying them.


The toil of these and those is nothing but to circulate the benefit of fairness to a true narrative heritage by clearing the rust and the price of reading, And it yields employment.


Continue in the book Arab narrative genres and heritage

This critical research gathering would not have convened, Nor would his dispersion be compact without the help of God who provided us with it, Without forgetting the merit of: Prof. Dr. Salima Lukam, And the architect of coordination, arrangement and organization, Dr. Imad Bukhari , who spared no effort in developing everything related to the form and form of the book, As for the cover painting, the brilliant Palestinian plastic artist Ali Sheikh Ahmed kindly gifted it to us. We are grateful for his kind communication and responsiveness.


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