Oral History Book “Standards and Controls”

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Book Name / Oral History Book “Standards and Controls”
Author Name / Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan
International number/ 9789950060111
Number of pages / 74
Page Size / A5
This book is an attempt to root and refine the methodology of work in oral history, It is considered one of the most important sources of history in ancient and modern. The book aims to introduce the conditions of thenovel and the narrator to the competent writings, And at university professors who specialize in history. The researcher conducted a tight scientific survey on a group of specialized university professors, He discussed their views.


The oral history book “Standards and Controls” has four chapters, I discussed oral history as the origin of historical writing, And the novel and the narrator in the theoretical framework, The novel and the narrator in the results of the study, and the methodology for verifying, editing and analyzing narratives.


The book concluded that there are conditions for the oral narration adopted, Forms of oral history are evolving, and conditions that must be met by the narrator in order to accept his narration, And a special way to document oral accounts.



As per the author’s knowledge, This study is considered one of the first scientific studies that examines the position of specialists in the science of history, of university professors, From oral history, This makes it an original study of the oral history curriculum, a methodology that did not receive attention from specialists, but was based in most cases on customs and public taste, as it is:



  • Shows the attitude and opinion of history professors on oral history – here are the universities of the Gaza Strip.
  • It emphasizes the conditions that they assume in the oral narrative in order to become certified.
  • The forms and types of oral narrations shall be defined, As seen by the study community.
  • It emphasizes the conditions that must be met by the narrator in order for his oral narration to be accepted by the study community.
  • It clarifies the mechanisms for verification, editing and analysis of oral narratives.

Objectives of the book:

This study aims to confirm the standards and conditions that must be met in oral narration. Introducing the forms of narration that fall within oral history. It aims to confirm and examine the criteria and the conditions to be met by the narrator. It aims to clarify the mechanisms for the validation, editing and analysis of oral narratives.


There are three main hypotheses of the study, She:


  1. The novel has conditions that must be met in order to become approved.
  2. Oral history has many forms, It is not limited to oral narration through an interview.
  3. There are flexible conditions that must be met by the narrator in order for his novel to be accepted.


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