The Book of Virtues of Resistance

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Book Name / Book of Virtues of Resistance

“Forty-Four Virtues in Resistance”

Author Name / Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan

International Number/ 9789950060050

Number of Book Pages / 103

Page Size / A5


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The book is based on the premise that resisting enemies has returns to its practitioners in all fields. and repercussions on the occupation. The forty virtues of resistance in this book do not depart from these two dimensions. And you will answer a key question: What are the returns and repercussions of resisting enemies at all levels?

The book has been divided into two chapters that outline the virtues of resistance in forty virtues, The first chapter dealt with Resistance returns, It was stated in seven detectives, Reviewed the proceeds of the resistance religiously, historically, leadership, socially, capabilities, and nationally, and politically.

The second chapter dealt with the repercussions of resistance, It was stated in four sections: social, economic and military repercussions, and political.

In the hands of the book Virtues of Resistance:

Peoples faced colonialism that encroached on their lands and entity, By all means of resistance, struggle and struggle, Until resistance became the law of the occupier, No occupation or colonialism has been met with resistance with determination and determination. The Palestinian people are not heresies among peoples.

Nor will the Israeli occupation be a fad among colonial powers, The result is predetermined according to the experimental method: There is no bloody occupation, And no people who fell under occupation has been liberated, There is no way to achieve freedom for the occupied countries except resistance.

Palestine is on a date with freedom, independence and the expulsion of the occupier, God willing, With dear glory or servile giving, And no one will fight against the laws of Allah except his victory, According to the philosophy of history; And Allah is overcoming, but most people do not know([1])


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People may have recognized this main benefit of resistance, but many other equally important benefits are realized in the context of the approach ofresistance, so the aim of this book was to identify and highlight the virtues of resistance whatever it may be.

The importance of this topic is no secret; it represents a consolidation and rooting of the benefits of resistance. Which would motivate the people, Especially the Palestinian people to engage in resistance in all its ways. It is also the first time – according to the researcher’s knowledge – that the benefits and returns of the resistance are rooted on the one hand, and its repercussions on the occupation on the other hand, To complement the literature of resistance.

([1]) Surah Yusuf, Verse 22.


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