Book of the Israeli aggression on Gaza 2008

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Book Name / Book of the Israeli Aggression on Gaza 2008

Author Name / Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan
International Number/ 9789950060135
Number of pages / 145
Page Size / A5
The book reviewed the political and diplomatic movement that accompanied the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009. Israel called: Cast Lead Battle, Hamas called him: Battle of Al-Furqan.


This is the largest aggression on the Gaza Strip since the June 1967 war. The subject has acquired particular importance in view of the magnitude of the battle and the magnitude of its losses. and the unexpected resilience of the Gaza Strip.
The book came in an introduction to the aggression on Gaza, and three chapters, The first dealt with the Palestinian positions on aggression, Whether PLO factions or factions outside it.

The second addressed:

Arab and international positions on aggression.


And the third addressed:

Political initiatives to stop aggression, Such as the Egyptian, French, and Chinese initiative, UN Security Council Resolution 1860, And the tops: Qatar Sharm El Sheikh, and Kuwait. The results showed divergent official and popular attitudes towards aggression.


Continue in the book The Israeli aggression on Gaza 2008

The importance of the research is highlighted in being the first documentary study prepared on this subject, In the month immediately following the war, I wrote, It has not been preceded by other studies, as far as the researcher knows. And because the research monitors most of the political movements that accompanied the war, As such, it is highly investigative. The research aims to clarify the Palestinian , Arab and international positions on the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip. To review and discuss the most important international resolutions, and political initiatives emanating from different parties during the war.


The researcher has followed the method of historical research, The events came in their historical sequence, Descriptive and analytical research methodology, Initiatives, positions and decisions were identified through presentation and analysis. The search came in an entrance to the aggression on Gaza, The first dealt with Palestinian positions. The second dealt with Arab and international positions, The third dealt with political initiatives.

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