Milestones book on the road

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Milestones book on the road


Author Name / Sayed Qutb

Number of pages / 196

Page Size / 14*24


No, because humanity today stands on the edge of the abyss, the threat of annihilation hanging on its head, this is a symptom of the disease, not the disease. But because of its bankruptcy in the world of: Values » under which human life can grow properly and rise properly.
This is very clear in the Western world , who no longer has anything to give humanity of “values”, Rather, he who no longer has anything to convince his conscience of his entitlement to exist after democracy is over, It has something like bankruptcy as it slowly began to borrow and quote from the regimes of the Eastern camp, especially in the economic systems! Under the name of socialism! The same is the case in the eastern camp itself.
Collectivist theories, foremost among them Marxism , which at the beginning attracted a large number in the East – and in the West itself – as a doctrine bearing the character of faith, It has also retreated clearly on the one hand and the idea, Even to be almost confined now to the state, and its systems, which is a big distance from the origins of the sect
In general, it is against the nature of human instinct and its requirements, And it only grows in a broken environment: Or an environment that has enveloped the dictatorial regime for long periods! Even in such environments, its material and economic failure has begun to appear, which is the aspect on which it is based and boasted – Russia, which represents the pinnacle of collective regimes, contradicts its yields after being surplus even in the era of the tsars. and imports wheat and foodstuffs, And sell what gold they have to get food because of the failure of collective farms and the failure of the system that clashes with human instinct and must lead a new humanity!

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The Western man’s leadership of humanity is about to disappear, not because Western civilization has materially bankrupted or weakened in terms of economic and military power, but because the Western system has ended its role because it no longer has a stock of “values” for it to lead. 4 It is necessary to lead that owns the maintenance and development of the material civilization that humanity has reached. Through the European genius in material creativity, It provides humanity with new values that are completely new – compared to what humanity has known – and with an original, positive and realistic approach at the same time.
Islam alone possesses these values and this approach. The scientific renaissance has played its role. This role, which began to be read with the Renaissance in the sixteenth century AD, It reached its peak during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and no longer has a new asset.


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