Pistachio Theory Book

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Pistachio Theory Book

Author Name/ Fahad Amer Al-Ahmadi

International number/ 9786035065

Number of pages of the book /338

Page Size / 14*24

Each human being around you is a psychological, genetic and cultural “mix” that is not repeated between two individuals. You and I and anyone you know (the resultant) of elements, circumstances and influences that are not even similar between twins. With the passage of age and the diversity of experiences , we turn into a bag with secret numbers.
We don’t even know how to open it and see its contents. But the problem does not lie in the diversity of human personalities; it lies in the failure of each human being to discover his own uniqueness and the reasons for his difference from others.

Continue in the book Pistachio theory

In the belief of every person that he is unique in his time, the only one of his time, and the only reference in what people disagree about and hide from them. In his conviction that what he reached after what he thinks is conscious and deep thinking is correct and sound and what no one from the world has preceded him…
Whatever our opinions and the results of our thinking, they are ultimately the result of profound and unconscious influences that most of us have forgotten.


We rarely think of the possibility that our decisions and worldview may be distorted through tradition, prevalence, stereotyped ideas, and our own experiences, and not the other way around.
For this reason, I think that the first requirement to come up with an honest opinion and the right decision is to admit our prior exposure to all kinds of influences. First emerge from the shell of the past, the usual and the given, And admitting that we are (the final result) of social, cultural and psychological conditions that are more complex than we imagine.


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