The verbal common in the Qur’an between fundamentalists and commentators

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The verbal common in the Qur’an between fundamentalists and commentators

Author Name / Prof. Ahmed Qasim Mohammed

International number/ 9789950060548

Number of pages / 300

Page Size / A5


Book Plan:


The nature of the subject has necessitated dividing it into an introduction, two sections and a conclusion:

Introduction: It shows the plan of the book.

The first topic: Definition of the subscriber and the reasons for its existence .


It included two requirements:


First Requirement: Definition of the subscriber.


Second Requirement: The reasons for the existence of the subscriber in the language .


The second topic: The use of the common word in its meanings or meanings batch.


Then came the conclusion, in which the most important findings in the research were recorded, Then the sources and references and arranged them in alphabetical order.


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