The book of the name and the marking and adornment of the named

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The book of the name and the marking and adornment of the named


Author Name / Dr. Idris Jaradat

Number of pages of the book / 234

Page Size / 14*24

Issuance year/ 2021

Published by / Al-Sanabel Center for Studies and Folklore

Electronic Publishing Entity / Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture

Dr. Idris Jaradat, Director of the Sanabel Center for Studies and Folklore, worked on names, their connotations and archiving based on books, magazines and newspapers in Palestine, to collect and personal diligence has worked with him many of those who helped in its development and participated in bringing it into existence. When we talk about the author-consultant view, we use the word people as a team, and this book is a ripe fruit as a result of these tremendous efforts and fruitful cooperation in which a large number of people contributed, each according to his own way.
Some helped to write, draft or read the first drafts and others provided us with his experience and experiences and arbitration and give feedback and correspondence and follow-up responses, notes and instructions and some helped publishing, design,printing and distribution and we have received from some valuable ideas as the book has been reviewed by people with a long history in control, dyeing, writing and archiving.

Continued in the book of the name and the marking and decorations of the name

This book was prepared by compiling the names and their connotations in light of the era of globalization and the spread of social networks and the Internet and in light of the blind imitation of foreign series and the choice of names that do not indicate the system of values, customs and traditions and moved away from the names of parents and grandparents as an old accuracy fashion and the names spread in fact Western in their meaning and connotations.
And the name in the language is what the thing is known by and inferred, What signifies meaning in itself is not associated with time.


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