The fate of Robert Maxwell … The most dangerous Mossad agents

By Ahmed Al-Mudallal


The Mossad is one of the most important strategic tools to face the challenges of Zionist national security in all its forms …
What all Zionist leaders agree on is that the information-gathering apparatus is the one that led to the establishment of the Zionist entity state and has the greatest credit for achieving Israel’s goals.
Since before the establishment of the state, the Zionist enemy has completely depended on the agents he recruited inside Palestine and outside Palestine…
The efforts of the leaders of the Israeli Mossad did not stop recruiting agents who spread like octopus all over the world …


They spy on countries with which Israel has diplomatic relations or even allies such as America and Europe, And on countries that have no relations with Israel, as agents are recruited in countries that do not recognize the occupying power and countries in a state of permanent hostility with it…
The entity state also recruits spies among political, religious, cultural, economic, media and trade union groups, and if money is the first force that the Jews relied on to dominate the world, the press for them is the second force, as the French writer “Jacques Attali” said in his book (Jews, the world and money): The experience of the Jews in the diaspora has taught them a lesson passed down from generation to generation that the tightening of world domination comes from two aspects: The first is to have money .


The second is owning the media machine. They are considered one of the most important tools for recruiting spies, as emerged among the Jews big names in the field of finance and media expanded and spread and swelled until they became called (owners of empires) and headed by Robert Maxwell spy the most dangerous in the history of Israel …

Follow in the fate of Robert Maxwell… The most dangerous Mossad agents

And the seriousness of the role played by it appeared in the second half of the twentieth century, which is almost the period that accompanied the emergence of the state of the Zionist entity on the ground …
Maxwell was able to mobilize many Western powers for the Zionist occupation state, which he presents through his large and multiple media outlets as an oasis of democracy in the middle of the vast desert of the Middle East. And deserves all the support and support …


And that the acts of resistance against it are terrorism and that the occupation of the lands of others by force in order to ensure security among enemies who surround Israel from all sides and export terrorism to it.
Robert Maxwell is a Zionist Jew with British citizenship, his real name is Jan Ludwig Hoch, the second son of a Jewish family that lived below the poverty line in the Czechoslovak Republic in a remote village, he lived a difficult childhood in which poverty mixed with the persecution that his family was subjected to like most Jewish families that lived in Europe in the years before World War II …
It is said that Maxwell’s relationship with the Mossad began before the establishment of the State of Israel, where a group of the first founders of Israel contacted him and asked him to cooperate with them, Maxwell settled in Britain and was able within a few years to establish a vast media empire that covered most continents of the world and achieved his dreams of wealth, fame and luxury…


He owned many companies and media outlets, including Bergamoon Press, and owned varying shares in a large number of newspapers.
Own Mirror News Group: Which publishes a number of important British newspapers (Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The Independent daily newspaper published in Britain, Daily News published in New York).
– Magyar Herlap daily (Hungary).
In 1986, he published the China Daily newspaper, which was published in English in Beijing and London. However, it ceased publication after the events in Tiananmen China in 1989.
In 1988, he published the European weekly newspaper, The European.
In 1989, he bought two publishing houses in the United States: Macmillan, which was the second largest American publishing house, And the house that publishes the official directory of airlines.


have Since 1981, A telecommunications company is Maxwell Communications Corporation …
He also owned one-third of the shares of the Israeli newspaper Maariv, which ranks second among Israeli newspapers in terms of distribution.—he owned fifty percent of the shares of Keter Publishing House, the company that publishes the Jewish Encyclopedia (Judaika).
– Own shares in the Israeli company Sitex, one of the leading companies in the field of computer graphics and color printing, As well as Teva Pharmaceuticals for medicinal products.

Follow in the fate of Robert Maxwell… The most dangerous Mossad agents

Maxwell became president of the Israel Bond Company in Britain in 1988.


His wealth reached more than ٧ Billion dollars and he raised it in a short time … He lived the life of kings (palace, yacht and private plane), and he employed everything he had in order to serve the state of the entity, and he was extremist in his Zionist views and advocates of the deportation of Palestinians to Jordan transfer…
As his political leanings were more to the right-wing Likud party, Maxwell’s relationship with the world of intelligence and espionage began before his relationship with the world of journalism and media began. Then it continued until the last moment of his life, and Maxwell’s relationship with the Mossad reached its peak in the eighties of the last century, Yitzhak Shamir said about him, “What Maxwell has given to Israel is more than any other human being on earth.”


Among the most important and complex services he provided: – Marketing a program called “Promis”, which Israel obtained from the American company Inslow, which produced and developed it by planting a microchip in the program, and the Mossad officer can track any information and eavesdrop anywhere in the world while sitting at his desk in Tel Aviv.
Maxwell’s business expertise and manifold global relationships …


He began with the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe because of its strong links with the governments of these countries and their decision-making circles, especially the Soviet Union, in which Maxwell’s relations extended from the role of universities and research centers to the heart of the Kremlin through the head of the Soviet intelligence service “KGB” to the first man in the state, Secretary General of the Soviet Communist Party Andrepov, then Chryenenko and then Gorbachev (the last three leaders of the Soviet Union) …


Also continued in the fate of Robert Maxwell… The most dangerous Mossad agents

What Maxwell did alerted Israel to the emergence of signs of the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union at a time when the CIA was providing false reports to US President Ronald Reagan at the time confirming the strength of the Soviet economy and its ability to finance weapons programs for a long time and its steadfastness and growth at rates that exceed the growth rates of the American economy …


– Then Maxwell moved in the marketing of the developed Promis program to Africa and was the first to be bought by the President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe, then the South African government at the time of apartheid, through which Israel helped the racist South African government at the time to thwart a number of conspiracies that were planned by the miners, then Maxwell traveled to Guatemala where he sold it there …
The Mossad was able to penetrate the banking system in Switzerland, where Maxwell succeeded in selling the Morris program to the bank “Credit Suisse” and the Mossad was able to find out the number of US intelligence agents and mafia leaders and all the secret information of their accounts …



Many intelligence services in Europe and Latin America, such as Chile, Bulgaria and Argentina, purchased the Promis program from Maxwell, as well as China, which paid $ 9 million received by Maxwell, who was able to convince Chinese officials of its importance.
Thus, the Israeli Mossad was able to penetrate the most secret political and military systems in the world, and one of the Arab countries bought it for ١٥ Million pounds sterling the same device that China bought ٩ Million dollars after Maxwell convinced officials in this country that the program adapts to the Arabic language …
And followed by many Arab countries in the development of work in their institutions, and so all the information on the institutions and intelligence services of the Arab countries exposed to the officers of the Israeli Mossad …


Israel also wanted to compensate for the loss of the spy Jonathan Pollard, who was caught by the CIA spying for Israel on the activity of the CIA and its agents.
Maxwell was able to achieve this and was bought from him by an American company “Digem Computer”, which marketed the Promis program on a large scale in the United States and its offices around the world became dens of the Mossad …


– He worked to recruit some members of Congress for the Mossad … The most important figures who have been recruited are US Senator “John Goodwin Tower”, who considered him a valuable catch for being one of the influencers in American decision-making circles and his closeness to the president and through him opened the doors of Congress, the Pentagon, arms companies and even the White House itself …
Tower is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee… Then, through Tower, the Mossad was able to reach the Los Alamos and Sandia laboratories, where research is being conducted to develop the American nuclear program.
Thus, the whole world appeared on the Mossad screen in Tel Aviv 24 hours a day.


Immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel: Maxwell was another service to the occupying power, persuading Kremlin leaders to open the doors for hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews to immigrate to Israel. Which was actually done shortly thereafter.
The operation took place as planned by Maxwell despite Arab objections and the intervention of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat more than once trying to prevent or limit this migration, explaining to Kremlin leaders that Israel is settling Soviet Jews immigrating to it in the occupied Palestinian territories, which creates new demographic realities.


Arafat was saying these words to the Kremlin leaders as Maxwell tried to convince them: Settling Jews in the Palestinian territories is a good deed and the PLO should work to establish a homeland for Palestinians in Jordan, not in Israel.
Kremlin leaders seem to be more inclined to be convinced by Maxwell’s words, even if they did not announce it. Russell Davis says in his book “A Foreign Body” that the immigration of Jews to Israel is Maxwell’s greatest achievement of the Jewish state.
During Gorbachev’s visit to Israel in June 1992, Israeli President Harzog said, “Maxwell is one of the most important personalities I’ve ever met… Maxwell also contributed effectively to the restoration of relations between Moscow and Tel Aviv, which were severed in 1956 after the tripartite aggression against Egypt.


He helped the Mossad kidnap Israeli atomic scientist Mordechai Vanunu from London after he gave an interview to the British newspaper “Sunday Times” in 1986 in which he revealed for the first time with photos and documents Israel’s production of nuclear weapons at the Dimona reactor in the Negev desert.


He acted as an intermediary used by the Mossad to push the White House to get involved in arms deals to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages held in Lebanon, which was later known as “Irangate.”
This is how Maxwell gave Israel what no one else on earth had offered. He gave everything until Israel felt that he had nothing else to offer, So she decided to kill him because he became a burden on the Israeli Mossad with what he knows of the secrets of the work of this service and its relations abroad.


At a time when Maxwell’s companies are losing their commercial and media luster and their profits are declining dramatically and his debts are increasing…
Which forced him to dismantle many of his companies and sell their assets and his financial situation deteriorated and tightened the noose and took to feel that his empire is about to collapse, and did not leave a way to save himself but followed, left him no way but to resort to the Mossad for help …
He felt all the time as if he was saving his Israeli friends for such a day, his debts were piling up and the financial crisis was applied to his breath, Shamir, Peres, Olmert and Herzog were all evading him and he called the head of the Mossad financial department after Shabtai Shavit, the head of the Mossad, ignored him and did not answer the phone…


He took to appeal to them and remind them of the services he provided to the Mossad, and asked them to help him get out of his financial crises, and always respond “The Mossad can not do that,” which provoked his anger and anger, which prompted him to threaten revenge by revealing all the secrets …
Not only did he have information about Israel’s deals and its secret dealings with countries, so when the threat of retaliation began, Israel had at the same time decided to get rid of him.
Opinions have differed about his death, whether it was an accidental accident that occurred to him while he was on his yacht in the Canary Islands, or he committed suicide as a result of his bankruptcy and was abandoned by Israel, or he was killed by the Mossad , and this is what Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon went to in their book (Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Great Spy), who confirmed through interviews with former Mossad officers and superiors including David Kimhi, British, American and Bulgarian intelligence officers that Maxwell was killed by Mossad officers who infiltrated his yacht under cover of darkness, injected his neck with a syringe filled with a deadly nerve compound and then threw his body into the sea…


Follow in the fate of Robert Maxwell… The most dangerous Mossad agents

The book also states that Maxwell did not notice the danger, as the Mossad called him that night promising to receive a small parcel containing a check for the amount he needed secretly on the yacht before dawn. That night in November 1991 …
The authors state that his relationship with Israel worsened when his repeated requests to the Mossad to use their influence with Israeli banks to arrange loans to meet the demands of his creditors fell on deaf ears. This is the end of the Jewish Zionist financial and media emperor who served the Mossad until the last moment of his life. And many spies like him who served the entity and left to their fate or killed by the Mossad or helped get rid of them … And the fool is the one who does not preach to others. !!