Corruption does not meet with Renaissance and Tahrir

Books // Ahmed Spoiled

When the Arab countries were liberated from colonialism, they felt great euphoria that they had emerged from the yoke of slavery to the Doha of freedom, liberation and national dignity. After a period of time, this feeling began to fade when the military regimes inherited colonialism and tasted the scourge of injustice and tyranny on their peoples. And practiced the policy of iron and fire to subjugate the peoples …

It even eliminated any case of renaissance towards a better future… He’s uncle. Corruption and wasted capabilities and lost wealth that was confined to the hands of a few group with influence and power, which did not exceed 5% according to global reports … After decades of authoritarian authoritarian individual or family rule, the Arab Spring came…

People no longer have the energy to bear the amount of corruption and tyranny practiced by these regimes, She revolted from the pain, Ideologues, thinkers, preachers and intellectuals were encouraged by good … Revolutions almost paid off; The agents of America, Israel and the West began to work in secret to divert the revolutions from their popularly drawn path, which want to emerge from the trap of regimes whose policies are dominated by the will of America and world imperialism.

Condoleezza Rice’s vision of creative chaos and the new Middle East, which coincided with the calls of the fox of Israeli politics Shimon Peres before to establish a greater Middle East that accommodates Israel as a normal state in the heart of the Arab and Islamic world, and that the false peace hangs over the region after the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel.

This is what America and Israel wanted to implement in the era of Trump and Netanyahu through the so-called “deal of the century” … Unawares the Arab Spring turns into a black autumn and a fire that ignited the region and tore apart the components of the nation. His flames did not stop, It destroyed everything… The remnants of the nation’s constituents were largely destroyed.

Our nation is still living its bitterness and has not come out of it until this moment… Killing, destruction, destruction, exploitation, tyranny, corruption, looting of wealth and lack of any opportunity to bring about a new renaissance have spread… The chances of the Arab countries were absent about any possibility of change for the better because corruption is no longer in the name of individuals or families in their eyes, but the corruption of systems, groups and forces that control the destinies of peoples …

The Palestinian cause is no longer a priority for the regimes and groups of corruption that are trying hard to create a mechanism for the awareness of the nation to forget Palestine and its cause , but some regimes have gone so far as to recognize the state of the entity and weave political, economic, cultural and sports relations with it and normalize in all its forms …

Is this the freedom that people are waiting for and sacrificed for? Its situation has worsened at all levels, despite having all the elements of progress, renaissance and liberation??? …

Unfortunately, the Palestinians living the liberation phase have not been spared from this Arab systemic corruption, which was reflected in its ugliest form in the official Palestinian performance since the inception of the PLO, which went through multiple stages that lived different forms of corruption (embezzlement of money, misuse of resources, nepotism).

Read more in the article (Corruption does not meet with Ennahda and Tahrir):

This is attested by the funds of the Palestinian National Fund and the “Sumud” Fund to support the occupied territories, and the money was poured into them, so that the budget of the National Fund was equivalent to the budgets of countries or more. In addition to what was raised about the behavior of some leaders of the Palestinian revolution after moving to Beirut in the seventies, which was called “Fateh Land” and Hamra Street in it …

We do not deny that many fedayeen were dedicated to confronting the Zionist enemy and carried out operations that are not forgotten by the history of the Palestinian struggle on the Lebanese-Palestinian borders, patrols inside Palestine and operations in many countries of the world against the occupation state. But many of those who were at the top of the pyramid of the organization and the influential were addresses of corruption … The series of corruption within the institutions of the organization, which collapsed and melted its institutions in the corridors of the Palestinian Authority after the signing of the Oslo Accords …

The PLO, which was founded for the liberation of Palestine and adopted in the National Council in Khartoum in 1967 the three no’s (no recognition, No negotiations, No concession) is the same one that signed the Oslo Accords and recognized the state of the Zionist entity and ceded 78% of the land of historic Palestine while the 22% remained disputed territory … The illusions of peace have gone unheeded and there is no longer the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state on the 67 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Since the advent of the PA, the talk about the corruption of its apparatus has not stopped, and all the time the talk of the Palestinian street has been… Indeed, all reports confirm that the corruption of the authority, led by the Fatah movement, is what prompted the sons of Fatah themselves to vote for Hamas, which won the legislative elections with nearly 70% of the chairs of the Legislative Council in 2006.

Read more in the article (Corruption does not meet with Ennahda and Tahrir):

But the leaders of corruption rejected the results of the elections and turned against them, which led to a sharp political and geographical division that harmed the Palestinian cause and since 2006 and the Palestinian people, who were suffering from the crimes of the occupation, have become groaning under the weight of occupation, division and siege. In light of the quarrels and debates between the Palestinians did not end and the Palestinian dream of freedom and independence was lost… It is natural that the Palestinian situation reaches this melancholy result.

Who would have believed that the great sacrifices of the Palestinian people that they made and still make for more than seventy-two years lead them to this situation? It is as if it were a punishment that the people are suffering because they struggled to obtain their rights and still consider themselves to be in a phase of national liberation…

Ongoing Zionist crimes practiced against him, Judaization of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, settlement of the land of the West Bank and Jerusalem, and now Netanyahu and his government are working hard to annex large areas of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley… In addition to the financial and administrative corruption practiced by the organs and institutions of the PA and factions that no longer have a justification for existence and feed on the funds of the Palestinian people. It eats away at the desert and wreaks havoc while the Palestinian people feed on pain, poverty, hunger, siege, oppression, displacement and suicide…

All human values are lost, and the influential emperors of power and money enjoy the torments of the employee who cut his salary and does not find the sustenance of his children, the Palestinian worker who lost his job and turns into a beggar, the children of prisoners, martyrs and their families who lost the breadwinner and the punishment of the authority came to them by cutting the pension of the prisoner or the martyr, and there is nothing for them but God. This is happening in Gaza.

In the West Bank, our people are facing two armies (the occupation and its ongoing crimes and the corruption of the authority in all its forms) and the comments and condemnations have filled the horizons after revealing new cases and scandals committed by influential leaders of the authority “waste of public money, abuse of influence, money laundering, Earning from the public service, trade with settlers, Extortion” are all charges that were pursuing the leaders and officials of the authority, Over the past few days …

Read more in the article (Corruption does not meet with Ennahda and Tahrir):

The matter did not stop at the Palestinian Authority, but also went beyond that to parties, organizations, civil institutions and charities… The Palestinian situation in its entirety has reached this situation because: First, the tyranny of political money. Second, the absence of democracy and real Shura Councils, the absence of monitoring, accountability and accountability, the lack of transparency, the control of axes, and the concentration of decisions in the hands of the individual.

As Abd al-Rahman al-Kawakibi, one of the pioneers of the Arab reform movement, said: Absolute power is an absolute spoiler… Therefore, the real question is, can it be a renaissance or liberation in light of corruption?…

The divine and historical Sunnah, as Ibn Khaldun stated in his introduction, “Injustice (corruption and tyranny) harbingers of the ruin of urbanization” …

The corrupt and tyrannical will not escape God’s worldly and eschatological punishment and the curse of future generations… And the lessons of ancient, modern and contemporary history confirm this … And don’t fancy any of us, no matter how high and possessed he is, if his work is stained with corruption, that he will achieve lofty goals, The Almighty says” God does not fix the work of the corrupt” the truth of God Almighty