Gulf Poll Results

On the UAE-Bahrain-Israel Peace Agreement


The East Center for Research and Culture conducts opinion polls on political and social issues, To define an opinion
The public, researchers and politicians with the attitudes of the polled groups towards various issues.


In light of the signing of the UAE-Bahraini-Israeli peace agreement under American auspices, An event that caused a sensation.
and mixed and convulsive reactions in the Arab world, But in many interested countries of the world, Conducted by the East Center
For Research and Culture this poll is aimed at finding out the opinion of the Gulf Arab street and its societal and intellectual forces from
This Agreement, And the extent to which they are aware of its dangers or advantages.


Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture is keen on impartiality and complete objectivity in all its surveys. Therefore, the question is not asked.
for the name or address, No personal information is collected about the people surveyed. With the aim of granting
The respondent has the greatest personal security down to objective and abstract answers.


The survey questions were directed to specific groups in the six Arab Gulf countries via the sponsored advertisement through the link
Special is not displayed on the center’s website page. The ad reached 18,606 people.
As has been
Target the survey to 400 people from academic, political and journalistic categories via direct email. Open
The link to the survey is from the two categories 268 people only.
Only 51 people out of 268 who opened the survey link and watched the questions answered the survey. Yes
19% of those surveyed, This is a small percentage, especially since the poll came at politically hot times
It is fraught with public Arab anger. A low percentage of respondents indicates two possibilities: The first is the fear of those who have seen the
Reconnaissance of surveillance and prosecution of local authorities, Aware that the authorities follow extensive surveillance and tracking methods
Range Which would muzzle people’s mouths and deter them from participating in any acts that affect the ruling regime in any way
. The second possibility is the lack of interest of target groups in political issues in general, which is unlikely given the fact that
The topic of the poll touches on the national issues of the Arab Gulf states. Thus, the first possibility is the most likely.
The poll was divided into two axes:
The first axis dealt with the basic information of the surveyed groups, such as gender, age, and the state.
The survey included 46 males, and 5 females, This reflects a lack of female interest in polling issues in general.
In terms of age groups, 18 young people between 18-35 years old answered the survey. and 24 men between 36-60
year and 9 elders over 60 years old, It is a largely logical distribution.
In terms of state, 17 people from Saudi Arabia responded, 12 people from the UAE, 2 of
Qatar 18 from Kuwait, 2 from Oman, No one from the Kingdom of Bahrain responded. This shows that the greatest interaction with
The poll was from Kuwait, which opposed the peace agreement.



The second axis dealt with the subject of the survey, It included ten questions, Distributed over 6 topics:


First Topic:


Israel’s status, 42 people, 82.4%, believe Israel is an enemy.
And you will remain an enemy, While 9 people, 17.6%, do not believe that Israel is an enemy and should not continue
As an enemy. Considering the history of the Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1948, Those who saw in
Israel is an enemy that was in harmony with the Arab heritage that rejected Israel’s presence in the region. But what’s new in the matter is
17.6% believe it is necessary to change perception of Israel and not consider it an enemy This reflects the responsibility of the rulers.
In the Gulf countries in the first place, To the extent that they control the lives of citizens, the curricula of education and the media in all its forms,
Which means that there is an official will to change the convictions of its peoples, This led to this small amount of change. And if
We added to this Israel’s commercial and cultural activities in some Gulf countries for a quarter of a century. its presence
Its activities are to create a state of dislocation in the Arab wall rejecting Israel.


Gulf Opinion Poll on UAE-Bahrain-Israel Peace Agreement

Second Topic:

The damage that could be caused to the UAE and Bahrain as a result of peace with Israel.
economic level, 33 (65%) said peace with Israel would harm the interests of the UAE and Bahrain
economic, While 18 people opposed them (35%). 35 people, 69%, said the peace deal was harmful.
In the security interests of the UAE and Bahrain, While 16 people opposed them (31%). In these cases, about one-third
Respondents see the possibility of their countries achieving economic and security interests from Israel, although they may have known
that the peace of Egypt, Jordan and the PLO with Israel did not bring these countries any economic or security benefits,
Thus, there is a state of unawareness or clear ignorance among these groups.


Also follow in the Gulf opinion poll on the UAE-Bahrain-Israel peace agreement

Third Topic:

The benefits that the UAE and Bahrain will derive from peace with Israel, It clarified 15 people by
29% that the peace agreement will increase the access of the UAE and Bahrain to advanced weapons and technology, while
26 people opposed them (71%). 19 people (37%) saw the potential for increased access to the UAE.
And Bahrain on international influence from their avoidance of peace with Israel, 32 people (63%) opposed them.
This suggests
Nearly one-third of respondents believe that peace with Israel brings military, technical and political benefits.
for their countries.
Fourth topic: The benefits that Israel will derive from its peace with the UAE and Bahrain, Where 27 people explained
53% that Israel will achieve benefits and lift Arab and Muslim isolation from Israel, While 24 people opposed them
by 47%.
35 people, 69%, believed that the peace agreement frees Israel’s hand against the Palestinians. and opposed them 16
31% people. This indicates a state of lack of understanding or blind support among a significant percentage of Emiratis.
Bahrainis believe that the peace agreement will not lift the isolation of Israel by 47%. And he will not release Israel’s hand
against Palestinians by 31%.


Fifth Topic:

Benefits for the UAE and Bahrain in the regional and international dimensions, Where he saw 11 people
22% that the peace agreement serves the UAE and Bahrain in standing up to Iran, and 26 people by 51%
They see him assuring the rulers of the Emirates and Bahrain of continued American support for them. While the rest opposed them, 40 people by
78% believe that the peace agreement does not help the two countries to stand up to Iran. And 25 people, 49% see it as not
The two countries are guaranteed continued U.S. support for their rulers. The percentage of supporters and opponents of the idea that the peace agreement converged
Provides guarantees for continued U.S. support for the rulers of the two countries, This may mean that the proponents of this clause are supporters of
and those opposed to peace together, Supporters of peace see it as a benefit that the rulers of the Emirates and Bahrain seek and need. It is
They oppose peace and see it as insulting the rulers of the two countries, They sell the nation’s causes for personal interests and to preserve the seats of government.
And vice versa.


Sixth Topic:

position on the Peace Agreement, 38 people, 75%, called for the UAE and Bahrain to fall back.
On the peace agreement with Israel, 13 people opposed them (25%) who prefer the continuation of the
This means that there were about 7% who rejected Israel in the first issue and considered it an enemy and will remain
For them they are an enemy, have accepted peace with her, This indicates that this group is intellectually shaken, Or her fear of security.

The bottom line:


The opinion poll was limited to the six Arab Gulf countries, 268 people have seen it, Only 51 people answered,


As a result of the fear of regime prosecution, 90% were male and 10% female, The survey included six axes:


82.4% believe that Israel is an enemy and will remain an enemy.


Nearly one-third of respondents see the UAE and Bahrain as potentially achieving economic and military security interests
and the technical and political of peace with Israel.


53% believe that Israel would benefit by lifting its Arab and Islamic isolation.


69% believe that the peace agreement frees Israel’s hand against the Palestinians.


78% believe that the peace agreement does not help the two countries stand up to Iran.


51% believe that the peace agreement guarantees the rulers of the UAE and Bahrain continued American support.


75% support the UAE and Bahrain to withdraw from the peace agreement with Israel.