September, Memories and normalization

September, Memories and normalization


By Ahmed Al-Mudallal


The story begins from Munich, Germany on the fifth of September 1972 (Munich commando operation) when the PLO was at the height of its struggle and armed struggle, the plan of the fedayeen at that time was to kidnap Zionist athletes in the Summer Olympics held in Munich in order to exchange them for 236 Palestinian and Arab prisoners, including Kozo Okamoto of the Japanese Red Army, who belonged to the ranks of the Palestinian revolution and was arrested by Zionist intelligence during his participation in a commando operation at Lod Airport on 21/6/1972 …


Among the results of the Munich operation was the killing of eleven Zionist athletes and the martyrdom of five guerrillas from the perpetrators of the operation, which was adopted by the Black September Organization led by the late martyr Abu Iyad, the second man in the Palestine Liberation Organization …


On the fifth of September 1978, the Camp David Treaty was signed between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The Camp David Accords are the first crack in the Arab ceiling, which rejected any recognition, reconciliation or negotiations with Israel.
Sadat surprised everyone when he announced in the Arab Parliament and in a famous speech to him in 1977, saying, “I am ready to go to their house to the Knesset itself and discuss them,” the same one who came out victorious in the battle of October 1973 against the occupation state, But he was the first to declare his recognition of the Zionist entity, an Arab boycott struck him, Egypt was expelled from the Arab League, and its offices were withdrawn from Cairo and moved to Tunisia.


The treaty provided for direct negotiations between Egypt and Israel for Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai, which Israel occupied in 1967, and the establishment of normal relations between Egypt and Israel after the first phase of withdrawal from Sinai. There was no popular or elite satisfaction with that agreement and the Zionist enemy, despite the passage of 42 years since the agreement, could not penetrate Egyptian society and the Zionist ambassador remained confined to the lobbies of his embassy and surrounded by all forms of protection from the Egyptian people, who still reject the Camp David Agreement despite the withdrawal of the Zionist enemy completely from Sinai …


On the sixteenth of September 1982, the Zionist army led by Sharon and with the participation of the militias of the Lebanese Phalange Party led by Elie Hobeika committed the massacre of Sabra and Shatila, in which according to Western sources nearly 3,500 martyrs of Palestinians and Lebanese who shared them for a living in the camps of Sabra and Shatila and this massacre is considered one of the most terrible massacres committed against the Palestinians and is still present with its scenes, details and characters in the lives of Palestinians and Lebanese and to be added to the series of massacres committed by the Zionist enemy a year ago 1948 to the present.


The Sabra and Shatila massacre was not the first and will not be the last as long as there is a Zionist occupation that is still perched on the land of Palestine. On the thirteenth of September 1993, the Oslo Accords were signed, in which the Palestine Liberation Organization recognized the state of the Zionist entity and recognized the legitimacy of its occupation of 78% of the land of Palestine, while the 22% remained disputed land between settlers and scattered Palestinian cantons.


Continue also in September, Memories and normalization

And here we are, twenty-seven years after the fateful agreement, we have only reaped more bitterness, suffering, killing, displacement, settlement, Judaization, siege, hunger and oppression, and the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who signed the agreement in front of the whole world in a festival – as we saw a few days ago on the White House lawn – finally admitted that the Zionist enemy gave him a big zero, And he took everything, And that he is now a president of power without authority and his dreams of establishing a state on the borders of 67 are gone unheeded and that America was selling us the illusion …


Also, some Arab regimes took advantage of the Oslo Accords as a bridge to cross towards normalization and weave political, economic, cultural, sports and other relations with the Zionist entity. It is no longer a secret that the Oslo Accords destroyed the Palestinian national project, besieged the resistance, made the Zionist occupation express as it pleases without cost, and caused a Palestinian division whose tragic effects we are still living to this moment.


On the twelfth of September 2005, the Zionist army led by Sharon was defeated from Gaza after it hurt The Palestinian resistance with all its military arms, led by the Al-Quds Brigades and the Qassam Brigades, carried out heroic and qualitative operations against the Zionist army and the settlers who considered the land of Gaza a farm for them and a factory for their products, and Sharon promised them and wished them that the settlement of Netzarim for him is like Tel Aviv and he will never abandon it. However, the constant state of attrition for him and his army made him withdraw defeated without conditions or agreements dragging the tails of disappointment, and Sharon himself admitted that the withdrawal “came under the pressure of the deteriorating security situation” and what he called “the suffering of the settlers.”


On the fifteenth of September 2020, the great fall of the regimes of the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain was in the mud of normalization with the Zionist enemy, completely abandoning the Palestinian cause, and implementing the most important part of the deal of the century, which is to give legitimacy to the Zionist entity on the land of Palestine to be a natural entity in the heart of the Arab and Islamic world, The talk is about other Arab regimes that will follow the same path towards normalization with the Zionist enemy after the Arab League gave the green light to the Arab regimes to normalize with the Zionist entity at the meeting of Arab foreign ministers on September 3, 2020.


It dropped the Palestinian project by condemning the signing of the normalization treaty between the UAE and the Zionist entity Thus, the League has thrown the Arab initiative it issued in 2002 in the trash (whose condition was Israel’s cession of the 67 lands with land exchange corresponding to recognition and the conclusion of peace treaties with Israel) and the Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad movement, Mr. Ziad Nakhaleh, considered it more dangerous to the Palestinian cause than the Balfour Declaration (in an interview on Al-Mayadeen TV on Wednesday evening 17/9/2020), To begin an Arab stage more collapsed than the previous stage opened by the regimes of the Arab Emirates and Bahrain …


Indeed, on the evening of September 15, 2020, in the White House lawn, the UAE and Bahrain regimes signed with Israel with an American certificate and in front of a large presence in a folkloric celebration carried by all the media in the world …
A shameful scene that shows the extent of the moral and moral fall that afflicted the signatories of the normalization treaty with the Zionist entity without any calculations of faith, Arabism and history, and in disregard of humanitarian principles when the Zionist criminal and killer is rewarded for his crimes and Trump is rewarded for the conspiracy of the deal of the century to liquidate The Palestinian cause The two regimes thus constitute a lifeline for Netanyahu and Trump from the corruption courts that await Monday and they are advancing to victory in the upcoming elections at a moment when the American people are tired of Trump and the Zionist society is tired of Netanyahu because of the corruption cases committed by the two.


Therefore, signing normalization or peace treaties with the Zionist enemy not only gives it more legitimacy by occupying Palestine and more sensuality flowing to commit crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people. Rather, it will give him the motivation to ignite wars and more destruction in the Arab region. When the Zionist-American military bases land on the land of Bahrain, the Emirates and the rest of the Gulf lands along the borders with Iran, any war that America and Israel will ignite there will have disastrous results on the Gulf states, not on America or Israel.


And this is what the entity state wants, In addition, Israel’s eye is on that area to plunder its wealth and to make the future port of Haifa an alternative to the port of Beirut, which was destroyed by hands driven by the Mossad (according to some observers) …


Thus, the occupation state has protected itself from Iran, which poses the greatest threat to it and which leads the axis of resistance and the main supporter of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance, which represented an existential and security concern for the Zionist entity after the Arab regimes were neutralized, which voluntarily accepted for themselves absolutely to walk in the Zionist-American orbit. Thus, the Zionist enemy has secured punishment in addition to ensuring that none of the printing regimes intervene to save or assist the Palestinian and Lebanese people in any future war waged by the Zionist enemy against them.


As happened previously in the July 2006 war on Lebanon and three devastating wars on Gaza because the wealth and capabilities of the nation have become subject to the Zionist-American will…



September has seen, Memories and normalization over almost five decades, As is well known, the Zionist decision center does not choose dates randomly as are the crumbling regimes because the stereotype in the minds of Zionist leaders, which was expressed by former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan when he said, “Arabs do not read, And if they read they do not understand, And if they understand, they do not understand” and this is what applies to these reactionary regimes, If the printers had an iota of political understanding, they would have considered the catastrophic situation in Egypt, Palestine and Jordan in all respects after the signing of the Camp David Accords in 1978, the Oslo Accords in 1993 and the Wadi Araba Agreement in 1994.


Netanyahu’s message to the Arabs and Palestinians is that the historic mistake made by Sharon in September 2005 in withdrawing from Gaza will not be repeated, which is the last withdrawal, while his message to the Israelis “that Israel should take a lesson from the experience of withdrawing from Gaza and not withdraw from the West Bank, which is closer to Israel’s urban centers than Gaza.”


Trump and Netanyahu’s ambitions for normalization in order to prepare the region to be a safe haven for the occupation state in exchange for providing protection for worn thrones…


however The Sunnah of Allah is past” and with the permission of your Lord to send them until the Day of Resurrection who will be poisoned by bad torment, for your Lord is quick to punish and he is forgiving and merciful” the truth of God Almighty