The Book and Preaching to the Believers the Extinction of the States of Israel

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Book Name / Book and preach to the believers the annihilation of the states of Israel

Author Name/ Dr. Muhammad Abdul rahman Abu Sardanah

International Number/ 9789950060425

Number of Book Pages / 132

Page Size / 17*24

Author’s Summary:
This study I prepared after the first intifada in 1987, which was an incentive for me to research as a student at the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion at the Islamic University of Gaza, where I was a student and at the same time a doctor working in the medical department of the Islamic University, where the university asked me to work as a dentist instead of the mujahid and leader Dr. Ibrahim Al-Maqadma, where he was arrested by the Israeli occupation forces a second time after spending more than ten years in the occupation cells and then he was released from detention and I worked with him until his martyrdom on March 8. 2003 where his car was targeted by the Zionist enemy planes and frequent meetings between us for working conditions and then arrested in the prisons of the Palestinian Authority after coming to Gaza in 1995 and when he came out I had finished the first lines of this search has happened to meet together in the office of the President The Islamic University at the time, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shabbir (Abi Malik), and the talk touched on the subject of my research, and I found it an opportunity to present my research to a great Islamic leader and thinker, but I was shocked by his response after he heard my words accurately and with great attention and told me there is no need to publish this research!! And because I had exhausted myself and prepared the scientific material for publication!!

Follow in the book and preach to the believers the annihilation of the states of Israel

I was frustrated and his words fell on the impact of the thunderbolt and I was very embarrassed and considered it cruel in response! Although I knew that he was frank, honest and not flattering, I then began to ask myself, did he not like the research? Or is there something wrong with it or… Or…?? But he noticed God’s mercy turmoil and was despite his cruelty in his phrases and in facial expressions strict, but it often turns into a man full of tenderness and sweetness and tenderness and I was lucky that when he meets with one of the Mujahideen Vdhmh to his chest annexation father to his son and perhaps more.
He surprised me after a while smiling and saying I asked you not to post it now!! Because the youth are in the role of preparation, motivation and preparation for jihadist work, and the uprising at that time had moved from the role of mass demonstrations to quarantine to martyrdom armed operations, and he continued to say, and I am afraid that the youth will leave this human being and refrain from jihadist work.


Buy a book and preach to the believers the annihilation of the states of Israel

I found in his phrases psychological comfort and learned that the strength of this research reaches the stage of believing and trusting its results, so I was encouraged by that more!! Contrary to what came to my mind at that time of his saying and according to his desire, may God have mercy on him, I did not shake off the dust of time from it until today when the resistance reached the stage of manufacturing missiles that cross all the cities The occupied Palestinian drones that proved their strength in the Yemen war 2019 and the Azerbaijan war in 2021 were manufactured and felt that the promise was approaching and the time for publication had come.



To his pure soul and the souls of all the martyrs of Palestine, a thousand mercy


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