Saving the world from Europeans


Abdul alim Shaddad


Europeans are made up of a number of different ethnic groups, According to a German study published in 2002, the total number of these ethnicities was about 87 ethnicities or people. Of these, 33 are large ethnicities and constitute the majority in their countries, the most important of which are: (Russians, Germans, English, French, Italians, Spaniards and Portugal, Ukrainians).


Europeans share a single culture based on the Christian-Jewish heritage. This is a very common term in the Western world and refers to the common bond between Jews and Christians. They are one and the same. Christians revere the Torah, Which they call the Old Testament, which constitutes the first section of the Bible for Christians, while the New Testament is considered the second part of it, In the past, the relationship between Jews and Christians was characterized by fluctuations, But in recent centuries it has turned into an alliance after the emergence of Christian Zionism in the United States of America, which supports the establishment of Israel for religious reasons. Protestantism was greatly influenced by Judaism.


The culture of Europeans is also based on (Christianity) and civilization (Roman-Greek). Europeans have been distinguished since ancient times and distinguished from the rest of the peoples of the world, namely: (extreme cruelty) to the extent that torture and murder made them a kind of entertainment:


1. The Roman Arena of Death (Coliseum) in the center of Rome was a source of entertainment and entertainment for all society, men, women and children. The whole family would come to watch the predatory lions starve and then release them on the captives who were brought into the ring with their wives and children, devoured by the hungry lions and cut them to pieces amid the laughter and enjoyment of the audience.
2. They also forced their captives to fight among themselves to force the friend to kill his friend.
3. Fencing competitions ending in death were the most popular game among ancient Roman European fans.
4. We find that wars in which millions are killed have been a frequent occurrence among them. Among these European wars:


• The Thirty Years War in which more than eleven million people were killed and Germany’s population was reduced from twenty million to thirteen million, As a result, there was a significant shortage of men and they made polygamy compulsory.
• The Napoleonic Wars killed more than six million people.
• The Seven-Year War between Britain and France killed more than fourteen million people.
• The Russian Civil War killed more than nine million.
France’s religious wars killed some four million.
World War I, which began between Austria and Serbia, killed more than twenty million people.
World War II, which began with Germany’s invasion of Poland, killed about eighty-five million people. European wars and massacres are too big to be counted in this article, And all of them are horrific wars and bloody massacres in which they were killed and tortured by horrible means that do not occur to me, For example:
combing with iron, sawsawing, and crush the bones with pistons, and the use of fire-protected skewers, and dissolution of the jaw and legs, and the iron sarcophagus, and the chair of the Inquisition containing nails at each point thereof, They also used breast slingshots to dislocate women’s breasts from the root. When the Europeans went out with this cruelty into the world, they caused enormous destruction and devastation to humanity: When they headed west to America, they exterminated its inhabitants using the most heinous means that no human mind can imagine. These include:


They gave hundreds of blankets contaminated with smallpox, tuberculosis and cholera as gifts to the indigenous people to harvest effortlessly, They killed millions of indigenous people in just a few decades.
They also created prize money for those who brought the head of an indigenous man, woman or child, Which made fishermen spread throughout the American continent bringing heads in huge numbers, Then it was limited to the scalp to make it easier for them to carry.
Many hunters boasted that their shoes were made of human skins.
 And the development of the matter, There were skinning and acting parties attended by senior European officials. By these means they exterminated more than a hundred million indigenous people in America, The result is a sweeping change of the American population to be replaced by Europeans. All North and South American countries today are owned by Europeans of different ethnicities:
• Brazilians are Portugal and Spaniards.
• Argentines are Spanish and Italian.
• Most of the population of South America are Hispanics, In addition to other European ethnicities, especially in Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia, and others. When the Europeans turned to Africa, They turned slavery into a trade like cattle trade. European governments have monopolized this trade. The rules governing it were established, Shares of slave trading companies were the most lucrative ones.

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After liberalizing that trade and allowing private companies to work in this field, these companies exported huge numbers of Africans to European countries and their colonies all over the world. French companies, for example, It sent at least one hundred thousand Africans a year to the French satellite regions of America, In addition to Spanish and English companies and Italian, German, Portuguese and other merchants, The number of Africans sent to the Americas is estimated in the millions. All of this was acceptable, European governments issue him the necessary permits, The people invest their money in it by buying the shares of these companies.


This is what Europeans did in America and Africa. In Asia, they did something strange. European governments have trafficked drugs!! ، Britain exported its first shipment of drugs to China in 1781. Now that addiction problems have begun to appear among the Chinese people, The Emperor of China issued a decree prohibiting the importation of drugs, France and Britain sent their ships and soldiers to China to force it to open its doors to drug trafficking by force. They were able to defeat China, And they entered Beijing, They forced her to sign the Tianjin Agreement in 1858 between China and the Europeans represented in France, Britain, Russia and the United States, and in this agreement opium was determined from the goods allowed to be imported. It was also obliged to allow the spread of Christianity in China, One of the fruits of this agreement was that the number of addicts in China increased from two million in 1850 to 120 million in 1878. This Convention continued in force until 1911.


The foregoing is a brief account of a human nature rooted in cruelty in its most horrific form. It has not succeeded in changing civilization and urbanization, What is excused for the ignorant and backward man to do is the civilized European do. In modern history, we have witnessed the massacres in Bosnia, in which Europeans killed about 300,000 Muslims and raped about 60,000 Muslim women and girls. And they displaced about one and a half million Muslims, The massacres lasted for about four years, during which the Serbs demolished more than 800 mosques, some of them dating back to the sixteenth century. They burned the Sarajevo Historical Library, And put thousands of Muslims in concentration camps, They tortured and starved them until they became skeletons,


Perhaps the most horrible thing that happened was the famous massacre (Srebrenica), which the Serbs besieged for two years, and when they could not enter it despite starvation, they asked its people to hand over their weapons in exchange for safety, and when they surrendered their weapons, they pounced on them and isolated the males from the females, and gathered 12,000 males (boys and men) and slaughtered them all with knives, and represented with their bodies the most horrific representation, in front of the Dutch forces responsible for protecting the city.

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One of the most horrific things done by the Europeans is what happened years ago in Iraq of the horrific torture carried out by the American forces (80% of the Americans are originally English, Irish and German), the scandal erupted in 2004 where they carried out murders, rape and terrible violations in Abu Ghraib prison. And sexual assault of men’s honor, In addition to the use of electricity, dogs and all means of torture, U.S. soldiers practiced 13 methods of torturing Iraqi prisoners. You start slapping on the face and beating, It ends with sexual assault, sodomy, Prisoners were left naked for several days, and forcing naked male detainees to wear women’s underwear, Pressure prisoners to engage in homosexual acts and videotape them, Naked prisoners are piled on top of each other.
The fruit of the European wars outside Europe was that they became “the world”. By owning most of the world’s land land, Today they own the Americas after they exterminated their indigenous populations. They also own Australia after the genocide of its population, And they own the whole North of Asia, Russia stretches from Eastern Europe to meet America (knowing that the distance between America and Russia is less than four kilometers), the British who rule Britain have 16 other countries, Although registered as sovereign states, But it nevertheless falls under the sovereignty of the British crown, The British Overseas Territories are called, The most famous are Australia, Canada and Jamaica.


The French have vast territories around the world that constitute 13 territories distributed in different continents of the world, They are called French overseas territories. And you should know that a small country like Denmark, It now has areas outside Europe dozens of times larger than its country, Like the FAO Islands, Greenland. Thus, Europeans have huge areas that exceed their need by many times, Most of them are among the richest regions in the world, And with huge amounts of inexhaustible wealth, They achieved a level of well-being unprecedented in history; by dominating the world.


They are still working to complete their domination of the world, through the establishment of the largest non-religious political party in the world: the Organization of Free Builders, to which many world leaders, senior businessmen, and the media belong. When one of us looks at people in Europe, America, Asia or Australia, and finds them wearing the same clothes, eating the same food, and playing the same games, he thinks he has to do the same thing, since this is what the whole world does, and he does not know that they are (the same people) who have the same culture in all these continents. Our minds have become captive to them, so we run after them, protect them from each other, and they take advantage of us when they compete among themselves, or when their views differ on issues that concern them, and they pressure each other to support one or the other.


We desperately need to free our minds, which now hear and see only what they see. This is the “rescue” or “liberation” we mean in this article, Liberation that is not like their genocide-based liberation, and the deletion and eradication of the other, We follow the religion of honoring man and raising his destiny, Religion made the emancipation of slaves worship, and prevent the killing of women and children in war, It is obligatory to treat the prisoner well: (And they feed food on his love, poor, orphaned, and captive), A religion whose messenger says to his companions in war: (Go forth in the name of God, Do not kill a mortal elder, Nor a small child, nor a woman….) ،


He says: (They recommended the captives well.) Can we save and free our minds and ideas from European domination, to spread our message: Message of goodness and peace