Islamic rooting and philosophy of education

By educational researcher / Hossam El-Din Refaat Herzallah


Education is the building of the human being, as it is life, including actual manifestations and practices, It is a human process in origin and a nature of the human psyche based on the individual’s innate adaptability. Since the individual graduated by educational institutions does not represent the optimal model of life due to the absence of the philosophy of unified education or its dispersion and the lack of clarity of its goals and objectives, it was necessary here to highlight the philosophy of education in society because the growth of any nation towards progress, glory, civilization, excellence and stability depends on the philosophy of society in its education for generations a comprehensive and balanced education in all different aspects that would refine human behavior according to clear standards for society.
We see different societies and multiple educational philosophies, each of which sees it as the best and the ideal model, and there are many justifications that refer to this education in terms of advancement and progress, but we say clearly that perhaps this society is scientifically and technologically advanced, but it lives in a state of psychological turmoil and suffers from social rupture, and this is due to the fact that it is based on certain values and philosophy that do not take into account all the different aspects of man, Unfortunately, every nation educates its citizens to achieve its own material interests and goals, so we point to the need to unify the philosophy of education in society on an authentic pattern, which is Islamic education, which builds an integrated human being to be qualified to succeed and rebuild life with all its components.

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Therefore, we see that in recent years sincere efforts have emerged in the field of rooting the social sciences with the aim of returning and crystallizing them to their Islamic origins to preserve their Islamic identity and abolish Western dependency because the issue of rooting aims to reshape the Muslim mind through a set of basic concepts on which the Islamic cognitive system is based. Islamic educational science or the Islamic rooting of science unless we build educational concepts according to the curriculum Islam until it gives its fruit and we get the unique Islamic man and society that fulfills the words of the Almighty: “You were the best nation that went out to people to command good and forbid evil and believe in Allah, and if the People of the Book believed, it would have been better for them, including the believers and most of them the immoral.”



Islamic education also means all the growth processes that a person goes through from childhood to death, and this is like Islamic education, which seeks to grow comprehensively, integrated and balanced in all aspects mentally with knowledge and physically with sports and psychologically with faith. Education is responsible for transferring heritage from generation to generation and renewing this heritage. And the Muslim home and the Muslim community, and for this educators must root the educational goals and objectives so as not to grow up a generation suffering from episodes of rupture, militancy and psychological and mental disorder in the absence of the philosophy of Islamic education, so we summarize our goal of strongly appealing to all officials in all their positions the need to unify educational philosophy, especially on the pattern of Islamic education, for the following reasons:



  • Because Islamic education derives from a constant source that does not change and does not change
  • Islamic education is an independent source in which no human being interferes
  • Islamic education derives from a general source in addressing taxpayers within the framework of consecrating equality in assignment
  • Islamic education is comprehensive, controlled, and characterized by originality and privacy
  • Islamic education takes into account the physical and psychosocial composition of the individual
  • Islamic education does not take into account one aspect at the expense of another, but rather a balance between all components.


Hence, we hope to see the unification of the philosophy of education in our Palestinian society on Islamic foundations to elevate the human being to be able to reach his goals and his near dream of leading the entire nation.