The Palestinian Intellectual and National Reconciliation Book

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Book Name/Book The Palestinian Intellectual and National Reconciliation

Author Name/ Dr. Ahmed Fayeq Dalloul

International ID/ 9789950060364

Number of pages / 325

Page Size / 17*24

Figure 2006, A milestone in contemporary Palestinian history, Having witnessed the end of the Al-Aqsa Intifada (the Second Intifada) and the closure of its page, and the entry of the Palestinian factions into a long-term truce with the Israeli occupation, More importantly, the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas participated in governance and won 67% of the seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council in the second legislative elections.



After Hamas ‘ victory in the second legislative elections, The Palestinian territories witnessed a great intellectual and cultural movement of different groups of civil society organizations and community leaders, We have not heard of it since the advent of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the formation of the National Authority in 1994. This foreshadowed the return of Palestinian intellectuals to the Palestinian political arena after years of enforced disappearance by the PA security services.


The Palestinian Intellectual and National Reconciliation Book

After the division in the Palestinian territories in mid-2007, Palestinian factions have created intellectuals, intellectuals and political analysts and exported them to the forefront of cultural and intellectual work in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. This is a concern for some “intellectuals”, So the intellectual became tweeting according to the dictates of the organization, or at least tweeting what satisfies the organization, The factions formed cultural and research institutions and imposed different budgets for them. This gave a partial indication of the “utilitarianism” or “expediency” of the relationship between the political intellectual .



It was no secret that a number of intellectuals in the Gaza Strip presented initiatives to force reconciliation and promote division. These initiatives are highly politically aware and mature, But neither movement (Fatah and Hamas) took it up. Perhaps this is due to the influence of external factors on the Palestinian political scene. This at the same time neither negates nor diminishes the efforts of intellectuals.



It should be noted that this book is originally a doctoral thesis entitled (The Role of Palestinian Intellectuals in Palestinian National Reconciliation (Gaza Strip and West Bank from 2006-2017)), Supervised by Prof. Dr. Wesal Abdullah Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, From the Department of Political Science at the University of the Holy Quran and Rooting of Science – Sudan, It was discussed on July 20, 2020, The author obtained a doctorate in political science with distinction.



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