Lecture entitled “Jerusalem in the Ottoman Era” C3

(Lecture video below the article)


Christian religious sites


Interest in Christian religious places:

The Ottoman Empire was interested in imposing a state of religious tolerance for the various Christian sects, It was always keen to complete the projects of reconstruction, maintenance and restoration of all religious places and holy places for Christians through many licensing permits and cases of detection and inspection indicated by historical sources. Some of them were the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.


The reality of education in the early Ottoman era




The beginning of the Ottoman era witnessed a revival of education by activating the performance of old schools and creating other schools that the city needed, Including the Rasa’iya School and the Stone School of the Amara Hospice in Jerusalem, This recovery came thanks to the great works provided by the Ottoman Empire, especially what was done by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent , who helped improve the security situation and facilitated stability in it, and singled it out with annual cash donations that made it a destination for scholars, ascetics and people from all lands.


After counting the schools that were full in the early Ottoman era, there were more than 50 schools that were frequented by students of knowledge and with teachers and sheikhs, which makes them a beacon of knowledge for their visitors.

Education in the late Ottoman era:


  • Jerusalem received the attention of the Ottoman administration, especially education, because of its role in the development of this city so that it would be fully aware of the conspiracies hatched against it targeting its present and future. It initially organized education in Jerusalem by appointing the first knowledge manager in Jerusalem , Ahmad Effendi, from the Ministry of Education. Charged with the rehabilitation of broken schools, Then the establishment of modern schools, including Rashidiya schools, 6 for boys and 3 for girls in Jerusalem, 70 schools in villages and suburbs, 30 in the Kasbah of Hebron and its villages, and 47 in the Kasbah of Gaza.


  • It also appears that Jerusalem was one of the first cities where preparatory schools appeared in 1890. As well as Rashidia schools, which are the intermediate stage between primary and preparatory, The preparatory school was converted in 1913 into a royal school, which is the advanced form of the preparatory school. The duration of study was 7 years, 174 students studied there.

He continued in a lecture entitled “Jerusalem in the Ottoman Era” part 3


The Ottoman School in Al-Aqsa Mosque


Scientific angles and ligaments


First of all: Angle: Jerusalem was in the 11th century AH / 17th century AD. The focus of attention of all Muslims, including ascetics, Sufis, seekers of knowledge and others, from all countries and regions, Among them are Moroccan, Abyssinian, Indian, Turkmen and Persian, This can be inferred from the names of the sites and places inhabited by these groups, Including corners.
The importance of these corners lies in Jerusalem as they give holiness and spiritual status that is not available in other sites where the land of Isra and Mi’raj, and the cradle of monotheistic religions, Note that the aspirant can find these places wherever he is without suffering from travel difficulties and fatigue, The traveler felt very happy when he went to it, Because he receives the blessing of praying in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock and visiting the shrines of the prophets, saints and righteous, The disciple also increases knowledge and knowledge if he arrives on the Temple Mount.
The angle consists of architectural elements: Rooms for residence, teaching, remembrance, a mosque, a disinfectant for washing and ablution, a well of water and soil (cemetery) in which the Sheikh of the Zawiya and some of his followers are buried, Sometimes it is a cave or a large cave for which there is no building.


Secondly: Rabat: It is a term that appeared in early Islamic times, It has been defined as the place where Muslims gather in the face of enemies for constant preparation, and not to be inattentive to them, Therefore, there is hardly a city or village in Palestine without one or more bonds. Whether by this name or otherwise, After that, the term took on a religious dimension, Many people of asceticism and mysticism began to go to these places for obedience and worship.
Among the most famous ligaments of Jerusalem during the Ottoman era: Ribat Biram Gawish, febrile ligament, Ribat Kurd Rabat Mansouri.


The wall of the Kurdish bond that the Zionists turned into a chapel in the name of the small wailing
Children’s Education Offices


Children’s Education and Discipline Offices: The Ottoman era witnessed a growth in the number of these offices, as they increased from what they were during the Mamluk era, These offices are dedicated to the early education and discipline of children. To be prepared for their enrolment in other educational institutions, Its mission is limited to providing children with the first sciences of reading the Qur’an, writing, calligraphy and spelling.
Among the most important offices established in this era: Biram Gawish office in Wadi Al-Tawaheen Street, and the office of Draghoud Agha, Tawashi Office, The office of Nasouh Effendi in Bab al-Sakina, one of the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.



Hospice : It is the place inhabited by dervishes who spend their time in worship and remembrance, They are constantly served with meals, With the passage of time, the first meaning disappeared and became called the place where free popular meals are served to the poor and those adjacent to Al-Aqsa Mosque and its workers.
One of the most important takaya that Jerusalem has known is the hospice of the building established by Khasaki Sultan, Wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in 959 AH / 1551 AD, It is considered one of the most important facilities established by the Ottomans in the Levant in general and Jerusalem in particular. Many endowments were imprisoned inside and outside the Jerusalem District in order to remain prosperous. It continued to serve hot meals to the poor people of Jerusalem and scholars coming from different countries, It is still alive today.