Islam is superior and second to none and will triumph


By Mustafa Al-Sawaf

Do you still see in the West, America and Russia those who harbor good for Islam and Muslims, how they are among the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims? He asks who is surprised by what I say how, ?, Barbak you ask as if you do not know, or that you see in them a model of democracy, justice and human rights.


How can you not see their crimes against Islam and Muslims, Have you not seen what France is doing and how it encourages attacks on Muslims and their mosques and fights the veil and veiled women and assaults them, Have you not seen what France and Europe are doing in contempt for Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? Have you not read what Britain has done to Muslims throughout its criminal history, which is full of murder and criminality?


Have you not heard about what Russia is doing in Chechnya, the Muslim country, and even China? And if you are not from Europe or the West, how do you work to kill Muslims for nothing but that they adhere to their religion and rituals, have you not recently read what was published in the leaked document between the criminal Trump and Muharram Putin that their first goal is to fight the Sunnis, eliminate them, seize their money, keep them in conflict and disagreement, and encourage killing in them so that they do not raise their heads high.

A follower in Islam is superior and second to none and will triumph

This is America, Russia and the countries of the West, in which you only see a model of false democracy and misleading human rights, all of whom consider that their first and last enemy is Islam and Muslims and fight it with all their might.


Do not be deceived by them and what they do, they are the worst opponents of Islam and make of Arab leaders, kings and princes who distort Islam and Muslims and fight them and kill them and arrest them and confiscate their money, these are the hand that they made to help the Muslims and was the last of their traditions (the Abrahamic religion) that they invented and made of the Arabs who adopt and work on them, they want to return Muslims to the first ignorance and forgot that God preserved his religion from distortion and desecration and forgery and from the claim, God says and says the truth:( Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam will not be accepted from him while he is in the hereafter from the secret).


Islam will triumph despite the machinations of America, Russia, the West and China, And the Islamic religion will return to lead the world, And he will lose who stands in his face and fights him, And God will give him men to carry him, and support him, and defend it, so that it may rise above God far away.