Towards a more national, revolutionary and popularly representative legislature


To write: Emad Afaneh
Historical background


Everyone knows that the Palestinian Legislative Council is one of the products of Oslo in form and content. Oslo even determined the number of its members, The late Abu Ammar insisted on forming a legislative council as one of the components of the state that he aspired to establish. Despite the availability of other elements of the state, such as land and people, The desired state lacked the sovereignty retained by the enemy entity.



We all know that the first elections for the Legislative Council took place in 1996. It was a semi-sham election, Because Abu Ammar or rather the forum government at the time, It judges the results, the votes and the identities of the winners, Abu Ammar was keen to include a number of affiliates of the Islamic current in the Council despite the boycott of the elections by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. To give the impression of representing everyone, Applying his theory of “sugar increase democracy”, He also gave the Christian community more seats than their representative number, In addition to other seats for women and the Samaritan Jewish sect… Etc.


The Palestinian people aspired to have a legislative council that represented their aspirations and hopes. to defend his rights, To enact laws that achieve equality and justice, However, the nominal function of the first legislature necessitated the work of a cocktail of English, Ottoman, French, Jordanian and Egyptian laws. As if the Legislative Council represented the countries that passed through Palestine occupation, mandate or control, whatever its name, Not the Palestinian people, who were just emerging from a revolutionary intifada full of sacrifices and heroism.


Inclusion and Involvement Elections:


In 2006, elections for the Legislative Council were held for the second time. Where the results witnessed surprises that some considered unexpected, Others considered the results expected from Western research and intelligence centers that insisted on involving Hamas in them. to win the largest number of seats, Within the policy of containment and implication, whose tragic consequences we see today.


It is no secret to you that the unfortunate events that followed in 2007 – but they were drawn and prepared by intelligence circles – where the so-called division took place that led to the suspension of the work of the Legislative Council. leading to its dissolution in 2018, Between 2007 and 2018, more than 40 MPs, the vast majority from Hamas, were absent behind bars.

Continue towards a more national, revolutionary and popularly representative legislative council

Political retention:

Until we reached a dissolved legislative council that does not exist in the occupied West Bank, And a legislative council insists on convening protocol speech sessions in Gaza, which did not recognize the dissolution of the Legislative Council because it is a decision contrary to the law, It was issued by an unrelated person based on the expiration of the term of office of Mahmoud Abbas since 2009.


However, in this year 2021, Mahmoud Abbas announced the holding of legislative elections, Hamas and many parties and electoral lists have announced their intention to participate in them. Everyone hoped that these elections would be a light at the end of the tunnel of division. In favor of embarking on a consensual political process capable of facing the extremely complex circumstances facing the Palestinian people and cause.


However, Abbas reneged on his promise and recoiled on his heels. He canceled the electoral process, which was scheduled to take place on May 22, Under the pretext that the occupation prevented it from taking place in Jerusalem, although the holding of the electoral process in Jerusalem could have been turned into a battle that would have received national and international support, and would represent a very bad embarrassment for the occupation that prevents the holding of a democratic electoral process.
The Palestinian situation has once again entered a state of political intractability. After reconciliation efforts reached an impasse, Amid a state of popular tension at the national level.


Now that we have reached this state of warming at all levels, We in Gaza, In this part, which some consider to be the only liberated part of the homeland, In this part is the only one capable of supporting the steadfastness of our people in various parts of the country and the victory of their unifying national causes, As happened during the battle of Jerusalem will stand, in which Gaza won for our holy sites and for our people stationed in the Jerusalem arsat and the blessedAl-Aqsa Mosque .


This Gaza, which was obliged by circumstances to carry the burden of real representation of all forces of liberation and emancipation within the borders of the homeland and abroad, It is incumbent upon it to continue to carry this burden in terms of creating a revolutionary representative base that represents the masses of our people.


Building a revolutionary legislature:


This can be achieved through a number of steps as follows:
– To call on all members of the Legislative Council in Gaza to step down voluntarily; 15 years after their election, Where Kurt their age, And their enthusiasm was discouraged, Their projects are obsolete, Their names and even photographs were absent from the memory of those who elected them.


– Based on the electoral register of the Palestinian Elections Commission, To identify all the lists that nominated themselves to participate in the elections that were scheduled to be held last May.


– Asking each electoral list to nominate a number of its candidates; With great ability and efficiency, young and old, a number that approximates their electoral weight, To be members of a representative legislature that truly expresses the pulse of the masses.


– To allow this Legislative Council to be a revolutionary council in the true sense of the word; No salaries, Or luxury cars, There are no escorts or any manifestations that distinguish them from the rest of their people, as was customary in previous councils.


– The division of these new deputies among the governorates of the country, Let them carry their concerns, make their voices heard, and work as much as possible to respond to their needs.


– Requiring the Revolutionary Legislative Council and its new leaders, To work to transform the Legislative Council into an umbrella for the whole nation, And to a destination for the masses to hold their various national activities and events, To constitute another strong popular barrier to anyone who wants to excess, sell or cooperate with the occupation, Or hinder the unity of our people in the trenches of resistance.
In addition to transforming this new Council into an effective monitoring tool over the performance of the governmental committee that manages the affairs of the people in Gaza, In terms of providing the best services to people, Eliminate all manifestations that contradict the values and needs of a resistant people who have been suffering from the siege for 15 years.


– Getting rid of all foreign laws that govern our reality, and compensate for them by passing laws that suit our reality, and meet our needs, It emulates our true Sharia and the national and moral values of our society.


The real politician and leader is not the one who excels in issuing orders, Rather, he is the one who sets a real example for the masses, Gaza’s revolutionary leadership is responsible for stopping its drowning in reforming the corrupt details of governance and managing the affairs of the people. to authorize the new Revolutionary Legislative Council to carry out this task, To devote themselves with all strength and vigour to a real and fruitful liberation project throughout the country, thus contributing to the building of resistance bases where possible inside and outside borders, We are the first of the enemy to build alliances, build bases of action and move towards liberation and return.


Implications for the Palestinian reality:


– This project will move the political water that was enacted 15 years after the last electoral process.
– It will give an opportunity and hope to young people and the general public with the possibility of change and getting rid of the rigid stereotypes that ruled our reality.


– It will constitute salvation from one of the secretions of Oslo, Instead, it is a revolutionary tool for representation, mobilization, and unification in the trenches of resistance.


– It will create a real representative reality that will force others to deal with it, Because it will be the product of a consensual process to compensate for the intractability of the electoral process.


– He will make another revolutionary consensual national kiss, It truly reflects the values, morals and behavior of those who are responsible for representing a rebellious people.


– Mahmoud Abbas and his team will be forced to respond to the demand of all Palestinians for the holding of the electoral process, Fearing that the new council will steal the spotlight and the right to represent.