Hospitality by the surgeon

Hospitality by the surgeon


Major General Dr. Rafiq Abu Hani


Researcher in Strategic and Military Affairs


A few days ago, we were on a tour of the wounded of the blessed battle of the Sword of Jerusalem at Shifa Hospital in Gaza. Accompanied by mujahideen commanders and loyal soldiers in charge of the file of the wounded, who were determined to stand side by side with the owners of musk and the blood of purity, which bled on the blessed land of Palestine and in its interior…



Such visits are important for such great Palestinian people . During the visit, the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) occurred in my mind: (Untie the suffering and feed the hungry and return the sick) In this hadith, whoever visits a sick person is equal to the wage of the one who looses the prisoner from his chains and shackles. How about if this patient is wounded and striving for the sake of Allaah (SWT), this will certainly be of great importance to Maulana Almighty.
We walked through the corridors of the hospital and its various departments and heard and saw …



Yes, we have heard the gratifying words of steadfastness, patience, steadfastness and defiance, You see someone saying to us: I am longing for the next battle, because there is blood between me and the Zionists. It is the revenge that burns in his chest to make it a driving force like the mighty resistance rocket, to fight the next battle with the criminal Zionists with all courage again.



We heard another being thrown by the nurse in a wheelchair as a result of a malevolent Zionist being targeted by airplanes, His brother was martyred with him in the same event, He greeted us and he praised Allaah and said: God has taken us as a martyr and described me as wounded…


What a great resilience embodied in these words…

Follow also in the hospitality of the surgeon

And another answers us to a question we asked him after the visit ended about morale, Where the tunnel that he had descended in a heroic operation to save a mujahid from his brothers was targeted, Where it was targeted by the most powerful planes and bombs in the world, The hero said, “Patiently.” By God, this will only increase my determination and determination to continue on the path…



By Allah, it is as if the verse has been revealed before us: (Allah confirms those who believe in the firm saying in this life and in the hereafter…) (Ibrahim: 27)
This is what we hear from the injured who are still conscious, But there were others who lost consciousness as they struggled with death under ventilators and intensive care. As for these, there was nothing between us and them except the language of the eyes, We have seen young people the age of flowers as the medical team fights to keep them in this ephemeral life…



And I wondered to myself, What makes such young people, And they are in the prime of their lives where pleasure and the power of lust and the goods of the world So they leave all that and accept the path of jihad for the sake of Allah , may He be exalted, satisfied with what will befall them … ??



Most of the young people and boys of their age in our Arab countries spend their time and money on hunting adventures and races in deserts and forests with their cars and bicycles. Or they spend nights and days in PUBG games and other distractions …


Or you find most of them wasting their lives panting behind a conversation with boys on social networking sites, So one of them stays behind the screen of his phone until the late night hours Does this raise a generation to liberate the country and the people???


Allah has guided you, O our heroes, you have refrained from all that and you went with your jihad and your blood, so you believed the way, so God Almighty believed you, so he chose you to be the protectors and muzzles of his blessed mosque, as if the words of God Almighty were manifested: (Among the believers are men who have believed what they have pledged to Allah on him, some of them have died and some of them are waiting and have not changed their minds).


In that visit, we also saw elderly, children and women who were targeted by Zionist treachery planes to break the will of our proud Palestinian people to abandon their valiant resistance. But things went against what the usurping occupier had planned, Where the determination of our people has increased in adherence to the option of armed resistance as a way to liberate their land and holy sites, It is as if they are imitating the words of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “A sect of my ummah is still on the truth, manifesting themselves to their enemy and oppressive. Whoever is behind them will not harm them, Or what happened to them, Until God’s promise comes, and they are, Said: Where are they, O Messenger of Allah? Say: in Jerusalem and the environs of Jerusalem.”


Such visits were of great importance to us and to those of our brave wounded. As I am interested in the affairs of jihad and fighting for the sake of God Almighty, I see in such souls the transcendence of wounds, so the level of morale, which is one of the three basic pillars of building the army, increases. It represents the pillar of victory in the military battle, as military experts counted these pillars with training, armament and morale, These things must be preserved and strengthened with all our might…


Such visits strengthen and strengthen the steadfastness of our internal front. And make it a single mass with its valiant resistance, One of the basic rules of guerrilla warfare that it continues to pursue as a Palestinian resistance is that it depends on the strong relationship between the fighters and the people of all sects. This is what has been tried previously in the people’s liberation wars, Which adopted guerrilla warfare as a method such as: Vietnam, Algeria and many others…


Then this blessed tour ended, And remained all of his determination to continue the path of struggle and jihad each of his position as said our Prophet peace be upon him (fight the polytheists yourselves and your money and tongues) and will remain this flag raised until the occupation is cleared from our far and our blessed land with the help of God Almighty.



And God is victorious, but most people do not know
Gaza – Palestine