What is the difference between ancestors and graves?


By Dr. Nasr Fahjan – Gaza
Allah says: (And he blew in the pictures, and if they are from the ancestors to their Lord, they descend) {Yes: 51}.
– What is meant by ancestors?
– And what is the difference between graves and ancestors?
– (Grave):
And collect the graves, It is a pit or a place where the deceased is buried in honor of him, Say: The grave of the deceased, that is, he saw him in the dust, and hid his body under the dust.


And the grave has the meaning of invisibility, concealment, concealment, and concealment, Say: Grave Man Case: That is, hide it so that there is no trace left of it, And the tomb of the subject: He kept silent about him permanently so that there was no trace left of him.


And not everyone who dies will have his grave, his jacket, his concealment, and his burial in a pit under the dirt, There are dead people who are not buried under the dust, And they have no known graves, As in India and some other countries, Where they burn their dead, Their bodies turn into smoke and ashes.
And of the people who are eaten by the lions and the beasts, And they shall not be buried in holes under the soil, And they shall have no known grave.
And of the people who drown in the seas, and are eaten by fish and whales, And they shall not be buried in graves, And from the people who are blown up by airplanes, Their remains are scattered in space, They shall not be buried in graves.
But all these dead are in a state of concealment, concealment, concealment, and concealment, which is the meaning of the grave, Allah says: (Then I killed him and I buried him), That is, he saw him after his death and hid him and covered him, People don’t see his body after his death, But it will be in cover and cover, It is from the honor of God Almighty to man.


Update: It is stated in the surrounding dictionary that the grandmother and the grandmother chew meat.
Chewing meat suggests tearing and crumbling, change the original and turn it into incoherent parts, This is what happens to the bodies of the dead after the souls come out of them.


And the verse: (And he blew in the pictures, and if they are from the ancestors to their Lord, they descend) {Yes: 51}، refers to the state of decomposition in which the dead were, Whether they are in graves or pits where they were buried, or they were in unknown places, The particles of these bodies are in the earth, And the earth did not leave: (From it we created you, and in it we bring you back, and from it we bring you out at another time) {Taha: 55}.


On the Day of Resurrection, people will leave the ancestors quickly, any of their decaying particles, This output is by germination, Allah says: {Noah: 17-18}، (And Allah will sprout you from the earth as a plant * and then He will bring you back in it and bring you out) {Noah: 17-18}، And that is after God descends from heaven water on earth, And on the decomposing ancestors of the dead, And people sprout from their ancestors as beans grow, It is as in the words of the Almighty: (And water came down from heaven as much, and we spread the town of Meta with it, so you will come out) {Decoration: 11}.

Continue in “What is the difference between ancestors and graves?”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained this in detail. He explained to us how people will leave their ancestors on the Day of Resurrection, And how God Almighty gathers their decaying bodies again through germination, It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (Between the two puffs are forty, Say: Forty days? Say: Abit, Say: Forty months? Say: Abit, Say: Forty years? Say: Abit, Say: Then God will come down from heaven water and they will sprout as beans grow, There is nothing of man but wear, except one bone, It is a tailbone, And from him the creation will ride on the Day of Resurrection) Bukhari 4935.
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Abit, That is, he refused and refrained from telling them, Either because he was not told to do so, Or that Allah did not authorize him to tell.
Another hadith confirms the same meaning with regard to the process of leaving the ancestors on the Day of Resurrection: Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (Every son of Adam is eaten by dust, Except the tailbone, From him he created and in it he rides) Muslim 2955.



The two puffs mentioned in the first hadith are:


First puff:
It is the murmur of the stun, And in it he stuns all the living except those who are God willing, Allah says: (And he breathed into the pictures, and he stunned those in the heavens and those on earth except those who God willed) {Groups: 68}.
Second puff:
It is the puff of revival and resurrection, In it, God Almighty sends creatures to account, Allah says: (Then he blew another into it, and if they arise, they look) {Groups: 68}.


The hadith indicates that ancestors are not graves. nor drilling, But they are the particles of humans that are scattered in the earth, Which includes the tailbone that is not visible to the naked eye, And he does not wear out, It is not affected by burning, drowning or decomposition, And in it the genes of man, and its genetic map, And from it man sprouts again, It is as in the words of the Almighty: (And he blew in the pictures, and if they are from the ancestors to their Lord, they descend) {Yes: 51}.
At the second puff, people will come out to their Lord from their ancestors scattered everywhere on earth. In rocks, sand, seas, mountains, deserts, and well-known graves, and unknown, And wherever the tailbone is, man goes out and is resurrected, This indicates that there is no conflict between the descendants of the dead from the ancestors, as in the Almighty’s saying: (If they are from the ancestors to their Lord, they descend), And Allah sent them from the graves, as in the words of the Almighty: (And that the hour is coming without doubt and that God will send from the graves) Hajj: 7، Ancestors that are scattered in different places on earth are more general than known or unknown graves, as we have shown.


D. Nasr Fahjan – Gaza