Tenth of Rajab:

Tenth of Rajab:


It happened on this day,,

* Year of Rajab 483 AH / September 1090 AD: The Almoravid forces led by the well-known commander Yusuf bin Tashfin entered the city of Granada after the isolation of its Sultan Abdullah bin Balqin, The city thus became a vassal of the Almoravid state, whose influence extended from Morocco to Andalusia.
* Year 587 AH / August 1191 AD: The death of the great Hanafi jurist Abu Bakr bin Masoud, known as Al-Kasani, and nicknamed the King of Scholars for his prowess in jurisprudence, and he wrote his book Bada’i al-Sana’i’ and the arrangement of laws, which is one of the greatest books of Islamic jurisprudence.
* Year 1015 AH / November 1606 AD: The signing of a treaty between the Ottoman and Austrian states, Known as the Treaty of Stepatoruk, It ended the war between the two states.
* Year 1369 AH / April 1950 AD: Britain recognizes the annexation of the West Bank to Jordan, which Jordan annexed in 1950, but Israel seized it after the 1967 setback, and is still under Israeli occupation until now.
* Year 1379 AH / January 1960 AD: Former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser lays the foundation stone for the Aswan High Dam project in southern Egypt.
* Year 1389 AH = 22 September 1969 AD: The convening of the sixth emergency Arab summit conference was held to discuss what was then called the Black September massacres that took place between the Jordanian army and the Palestinian fedayeen.
* Year 1391 AH / September 1971 AD: Declaration of Independence of the State of Qatar, It was under Ottoman influence until 1913. Then it concluded an agreement with Britain in 1916 to search for oil. pearl diving, It remained bound by the Treaty until its independence.
* Year 1424 AH / September 2003 AD The failure of an assassination attempt by the Zionist army against Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, But the Zionist fighters were unable to liquidate him.