Parents and e-learning in the time of Corona


Mr. Hossam El-Din Refaat Herzallah


The Corona pandemic imposed a real reality in the orientation to distance education, But this reality is shocking and painful in the first place for parents, as virtual education has moved to them suddenly without warning or preparation, Or community training of electronic computer technologies by various community institutions, They were forced to play the role of teacher not with one subject, but with all the subjects that became plagued in their faces one after another.


And not only one stage, but several stages, they may have children in middle school and others in primary and perhaps in high school, Not to mention the pressure of their children towards them in their education and helping them in education and providing all its requirements, And it didn’t stop like that, but there is a second shock, which is that they have to turn to distance education technologies so that they can do different tasks. Putting them in a difficult circle has ominous consequences.


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Which made a team of them completely frustrated and does not care to follow up their children at all, even if this leads to his failure, as Mrs. (p. h) says. I am very frustrated and do not know how to deal with these curricula or deal with computer and mobile, We do not have the ability to buy computers or mobile phones and what children need to do tasks and duties, and my husband does not have the time to follow anyone in the family because of his work and the requirements of life for which he is responsible.
And another team offers what it can offer with their conviction that it is not an alternative to face-to-face education, where Mr. (S.Y.) says that distance education has made our children in great danger and unparalleled decline, as they do not understand the lessons well.


They even turn to us to answer electronic tests and self-learning cards, We cannot understand many subjects, especially English and mathematics, And another team makes a great effort to understand all the means that contribute to helping their children learn and at the expense of their time and health, where Mr. (S. A.) says that we are facing a big problem, which is Distance Education It requires us time and effort to understand the lessons, follow our children, and a harsh experience for us, as we have been exhausted psychologically and healthily.


Hence, we say to the parents, we feel you and the responsibility entrusted to you, you have our thanks and appreciation, and that you have created you in your giving, and that you felt the role entrusted to you, your role is complementary, the teachers are with you heart and soul, so you only have to direct your students towards attention, follow-up and focus with teachers, provide calm and reassurance, and organize your children’s time.


Parents’ message and e-learning in the time of Corona.


Despite all this, we launch a cry for every official to take a serious stand with under these circumstances in terms of supporting education and educational institutions such as universities and schools, And launching youth initiatives entitled “Towards Education First” so that university graduates volunteer through institutions to educate students in the permitted number in accordance with safety procedures.
And open schools in three periods with fewer numbers and less time, and all community institutions must coordinate with teachers who initiate voluntary lessons through their institutions, and from this point of view, we can help what can be helped and reduce the great burden that has hit parents.