List names for the 2021 Legislative Council elections


36 electoral lists submitted their candidacy papers to the Central Elections Committee, the latest of which is the Fatah list.

This arrangement of lists is not final and the Election Commission is still reviewing the list files for approval.
1. Democratic Change (Democratic Front)
2. Palestine for All (independent)
3. Karamati Independent Youth (Independent)
4. Fulfillment and construction (independent)
5. Kale rash (independent)
6. Towards Change and End the Division (National Initiative)
7. Palestine brings us together (tribal gathering)
8. Watan for Independents (independent headed by Hassan Khreisha)
9. The Future (Reformist Current)
10. Jerusalem is our date (Hamas)
11. Jerusalem (clans and reformers)

Follow the names of the lists for the 2021 Legislative Council elections

12. Returnees (independent)
13. Independent List (Independent)
14. Together Qaderoon (independent headed by Salam Fayyad)
15. People’s Pulse (Popular Front)
16. Renaissance of the homeland (independent)
17. Sawt al-Nas (a group of activists and artists headed by Ahmed Aportima)
18. Covenant to the Fatherland (Independent)
19. New Dawn (Labor Movement List)
20. All Palestinian Gathering (independent)
21. Return List (Independent)
22. Adalah List (independent)
23. United Palestinian Movement List (independent)
24. United Left (People’s Party and Delegation)
25. Freedom List (Barghouti, Al-Qudwa and others)
26. Dream List (independent youth)
27. Independent Gathering (independent headed by Hassan Hammouda)
28. Competence List (Standalone)
29. Palestinian Future (independent)
30. Palestine First (independent headed by lawyer Nisreen Shahrour)
31. (The Storm) Fatah


It is noteworthy that on Friday evening, 15/1/2021, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree to hold general elections in three stages.


According to the decree, legislative elections will be held on May 22, 2021, and the Presidential on July 31, 2021, It will be followed in a third phase by the elections of the National Council, provided that the results of the elections of the Legislative Council are considered the first stage in the formation of the Palestinian National Council.