The “treaty” has exhausted its purposes

Books // Hamada Pharaohs


President Hani Mulki paid attention to my use of the expression: “The Jordanian-Israeli Treaty Has Exhausted Its Purposes,” Ask: What do you mean? I replied: First of all, we must recall the political circumstances and the pressing factors that made the Jordanian, Israeli and American peace treaty .


At that time, US President Bush picked up Saddam Hussein’s link to the withdrawal from Kuwait to demanding a solution to the region’s problems collectively. He linked his withdrawal from Kuwait to Israel’s withdrawal from the territories occupied in 1967. Seeking to achieve political gain as a price for its steadfastness on the Iranian front, And to show him not to back down from what he did with Kuwait.


When Iraq was defeated in Kuwait by the international coalition, Bush took the initiative in March 1991 to call for the Madrid Summit held in October 1991. And take advantage of the climate of Arab defeat, Employing Saddam Hussein’s idea of settling the Arab-Israeli conflict, After the Nile from Iraq.


Jordan was subjected to a political and economic blockade because of its non-participation in the international coalition against Iraq because it believed that Iraq was an asset and strength for the Arabs in the face of the Israeli enemy. It adhered to the Arab solution to end Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait.


The Israelis were in ecstasy to remove Iraq from their path as a confrontational Arab power. And hasten to employ the devastating results of the war on the Arabs, They aspired to achieve the second leap in penetrating the Arab body after Camp David September 17, 1978. and the removal of Khartoum no’s: No reconciliation, no negotiation, no recognition of the Israeli colony.


Jordan and the colony reached the negotiating agenda in December 1992. He suspended the Palestinians reaching an agreement so as not to unilaterally dissolve it. After the Oslo Accords in September 1993, Washington was proclaimed on July 25, 1994, With the signing of the peace treaty on 26/10/1994.

The Wadi Araba Treaty included three important points in favor of Jordan:


1- Article II included not deporting Palestinians to Jordan, as happened in the 1948 Nakba. The setback of 1967, It literally stated: “They believe that the forced movements of the population are within their influence. [which] adversely affects both parties should not be allowed” Jordan therefore did not receive any of the four hundred Palestinian deportees to southern Lebanon, Nor the protesters of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem who were deported to Italy and Spain.


Article III includes the demarcation of the borders between the two parties in the north and south of the Palestinian Bank. The border between Jordan and the Palestinian Bank will be suspended until final negotiations. The second item of this article stipulates that: “The permanent, secure and recognized international border between Jordan and [Israel] shall be deemed without prejudice to the status of any territory that came under the control of Israeli military rule in 1967.”


Article IX relates to the right of Jordanian supervision of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the second clause of which stipulates: “In line with the Washington Declaration, The (colony) [Israel] respects the special current role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Islamic places of Jerusalem, When final status negotiations take place, [Israel] will give high priority to Jordan’s historic role in these places.”

The influential tripartite team in the colonial government, consisting of:


1. Oath,


2- The extreme political right,


3. The ultra-Orthodox Jew,


The contents of the treaty stood in the way of: Complete the swallowing of the Palestinian Bank, And control of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Judaization of some of it, Forcible deportation of Palestinians and making Palestinian land expelling its people. This group considers that their achievements, The Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty has made it exhaust its purposes, The current Israeli realities exceeded the factors that made the agreement.


Continued in the “treaty” exhausted its purposes


This does not mean that the treaty is positive in favor of Jordan. Or they made Jordanian relations with the colony like ghee on honey, or that the colony has committed to it, Indeed, some of its provisions remained an obstacle to its colonial expansion program. and hinder his work to swallow the rest of Palestine, With the exception of the Gaza Strip, which is out of its calculations and ambitions.


The treaty disrupted the program of the most extreme coalition team in the Israeli Hebrew community, consisting of:


1. Oath,


2- The extreme political right,


3. Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, Towards:


(a) Completion of the Israelization, Hebrewization and Judaization of Jerusalem, especially the Al-Aqsa Mosque;


(b) Demarcation of Jordan’s border with the Palestinian Bank;


(c) prevented the deportation of Palestinians to Jordan;


Compared to the team whose influence has faded from the political life of the colony community, Labor and Meretz are expected to disappear. The threshold in any future elections will not exceed and their representatives will not be able to return to Parliament.


The treaty was not the result of victory, Rather, it is the result of a decline due to the change in the balance of international power with the demise of the socialist camp as a result of the Cold War in 1990. and regionalism as a result of the destruction of Iraq by the international coalition in 1991.
Therefore, the results were in favor of the colony internationally and regionally, This was reflected in the content of the Treaty on substantive issues, The main ones are:


First of all:


Ending the state of war between Jordan and the colony without addressing the consequences of the war in two directions: The first is to end the occupation of the land that was part of the territory and sovereignty of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1967, namely the Palestinian Bank and Jerusalem, and the second is the return of displaced persons displaced by the war and its repercussions.




The treaty dealt with addressing the issue of displaced persons through a quartet that includes Jordan, Egypt, the Palestinians and the colony. It was supposed to pay attention and work to return the displaced throughout the past period since 1994 to the Palestinian Bank and the Gaza Strip. Especially the people of the Gaza Strip who do not enjoy Jordanian or Palestinian nationality, They fit the description of “without”, Therefore, their return to the Gaza Strip must be ensured as long as the enemy evacuates it.




The refugee issue was referred to the international multilateral group emanating from the Madrid Conference, which are 16 countries under the chairmanship of Canada, Instead of recognizing their right to return to their towns and villages from which they were expelled in 1948, Kaled, Haifa, Ramle, Jaffa, Acre, Beit She’an, Safed, Beersheba, and the restitution of their property therein, Instead, the treaty stated: “Assisting in the field of work on their settlement”.


Despite the text that says: “without prejudice to the status of any territory that came under the control of the Israeli military rule in 1967,” without mentioning that it was occupied, The colony is expanding, settling, changing features and attempts to annex the territory of the Palestinian Bank.


Notwithstanding the provision that the colony respects “the current role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Islamic places in Jerusalem”, The sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque was violated and stormed daily by settlers, And deputies and ministers of the colonial government since the last decision of Netanyahu issued on 2/7/2018, Who allowed them to storm the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and harm its sanctity and sanctity!
The content of the treaty, its clauses and the demand to abide by it are the title of the conflict between Jordan and the colony, foremost of which are the following issues: End the occupation, The right of the Palestinians to independence, and Jerusalem, and settlement