On the International “Day of Solidarity”.

The Palestinian people are the weapons that everyone is afraid to use

To write: Emad Afaneh

29th of November of each year, Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, It was the day on which the same Assembly approved the resolution to partition Palestine. Paradoxically, They steal our homeland and then set aside a day to shed tears over our Nakba.



They claim that this Day of Solidarity came to remind the whole world that the Palestinian people have the rights to establish their independent and fully sovereign State with Jerusalem as its capital, self-determination, the return of refugees to their homes and property and compensation, Based on the relevant international resolutions, foremost of which is UN Resolution 194, Although it does not meet the slightest aspirations of the Palestinian people.



44 years have passed this declaration, While the Palestinian people continue to suffer under an occupation that confiscates their lands and the Jews of their holy sites and captures thousands of their people, While millions of Palestinians are exiled in various parts of the world, They pay the bill for diaspora and displacement from their homeland of their civil and human rights.


He continued in the article “The Palestinian people are the weapons that everyone is afraid to use”


Solidarity with the Palestinian people takes various forms of overflowing emotions and sensations and perhaps some cold tears. But none of them is to give him the means of strength to regain his stolen right.


Solidarity with the Palestinian people is represented in declarations and slogans. Which does not guarantee them the enjoyment of their most basic human rights like other human beings.


To deprive the Palestinian people of their human and social rights wherever they are; This makes it a bomb that increases the risk of detonating with each passing day that they do not regain their stolen right.


The conditions of the Palestinian refugees in all their places can no longer tolerate further procrastination, procrastination and turning their backs. UNRWA does not provide comprehensive and sustainable health, relief and education emergency plans. In light of the accelerating series of cuts in relief and services, Nor are the host countries able or even willing to carry out their national, Arab and even humanitarian duty towards our refugee people. Then comes the framework agreement between UNRWA and the United States to culminate in the denial of our people of their right to express even their national feelings.


It seems that the so-called international justice invented by the international community – composed of imperialist and colonial countries – is forbidden to the Palestinian people, who are struggling to achieve the national rights of the Palestinian people in accordance with the relevant international resolutions. Standing by our people, supporting them and securing international protection for them has become a crime that deserves punishment in most countries of the world, especially the Arab countries, At the same time, the last colonial occupation continues to practice the most heinous types of organized terrorism at the state level under open American and European support.


Should we stop asking the international community to secure the necessary budgets for UNRWA or provide it with a stable budget to get it out of the circle of political blackmail? Or mobilize special funding to include Palestinian refugees everywhere in the emergency program in place in Palestine and Syria, In terms of demanding that our refugee people everywhere take the initiative to recover their rights, which will turn the tables on all the conspirators, It fails the marginalization and assimilation plans that target our people and their rights.


There is no doubt that the positions of the peoples stand in solidarity and stand by the rights of our people, As for the governments, they ostensibly stand with our cause, but in essence they are with the continuation of its catastrophe and displacement, not its return. Because whoever wants the return of our people should secure their social rights so that they can live in good economic and humanitarian conditions, Enables them to devote themselves to preoccupation with the liberation effort, Not preoccupation with securing a living.


Everyone knows that Palestinians are the most oppressed in the world. Because they are a people without a homeland, After Oslo, they are even forbidden to enlist to defend their right to liberation and return, It is precisely these conditions that are most favourable to mobilize our people in the opposite direction, In terms of adhering to the Palestinian national constants, especially the return and the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, Deepening the belief that Palestine will return and that no institution, individual, faction or state has the right to give up an inch of Palestine.


Imagine if the factions of our people were distracted from managing the division, Regarding the quarrels, And about experimenting with absurd political solutions, In employing the strongest weapons of the Palestinian causeWhich is the Palestinian people themselves, and to stop shortening the resistance and struggle in groups and groups, in terms of transforming our entire people into a non-colored non-partisan resistance current that is not biased except for their rights and their peaceful homeland, would any of the Arab countries have dared at that time to normalize with the occupation entity, or receive its terrorists in the palaces of government, or light the candles of its holidays in the squares of their capitals.



The Palestinian people themselves, not any party, faction or weapon, They are what the enemies fear, And look, if you like, at the little rehearsal that our people carried out during the battle of the Sword of Jerusalem a few months ago. And how he rose in various places to support Jerusalem and the purity of Al-Aqsa, And to the houses of Sheikh Jarrah threatened with demolition and confiscation, Consider, if you like, the magnitude of the horror that the entity experienced when our rebellious people stood at the doors of their bedrooms in our cities in the occupied interior, especially the rebellious city of Lod.


Britain, America or other countries may succeed in placing the SMS or other factions on the terrorist list. But no power or country in the world will ever be able to designate an entire people as terrorists.


O our factions, Oh our parties, O our various elites and powers, Reconsider your most powerful weapons, And reconsider the strength of your people, Put our people and their own strength at the top of your plans, may God have mercy on you.