Netanyahu is a charming, glamorous and accomplished engineer


By Dr. Mustafa Yousef Alldawi


A few days remain until the fourth Israeli legislative elections to be held in two years. During which Benjamin Netanyahu was able to remain the head of the Israeli government in an original or caretaker capacity. which enabled him to retain his highest position in the Zionist entity for an additional period, He angered his opponents, And weakened his competitors, During which he avoided the horrors of investigation and the nightmares of trial and imprisonment, During it, he remained far from the expectations that lurk in him and the fate that awaits him, And still a master in office eludes, and a leader maneuvering, and a leader who rules, And the owner dominates, Defying the difficult circumstances he faces, and the great challenges it faces, The last of which was the loss of his ally Donald Trump and the victory of Joe Biden, who opposed him in the past and his president a lot, He deliberately abused him and his administration.


The Israeli prime minister, who still enjoys the highest percentage of support in the Israeli street, is aware of As the most suitable person who can hold the office of Prime Minister, that party leaders are lurking and conspiring against him, And that they plan to trap him and bring him down, And that they are all working on the project of “Netanyahu’s alternative,” Whatever this alternative is, The important thing is that he is not the head of government, They understand that if he wins the election this time, He formed his government under his presidency without coercion with his allies, He will be the king deservedly, He deserves to be Israel’s eldest Talut, and the owner of the Third Temple, This will implement both internally and externally its programmes, Although they know that this session, if he wins, will be the last for him, He will not run for anyone else, And he will not compete for anyone else, His name will not be put forward as president of the State of Israel. He would have missed the nomination for this position. But he wants this particular session more than others, For in it his survival and future, In it, his opponents are defeated and his rivals are defeated.


Netanyahu does not look by and wait for Moses’ magic wand. Or expects a miracle from heaven to help him, Rather, he uses all his time by himself, Taking advantage of his personal abilities and unique talents that are distinguished and recognized by others, In reconstructing and restructuring the Israeli internal arena in order to serve its project and achieve its goals, and in a way that weakens his opponents and disperses his rivals, He doesn’t just need to ensure he gets the highest votes, Rather, he wants to be unique in forming the government. and to be its head without rotation, And that there should not be a party in the Knesset that represents the egg of the captain or the tongue of the balance, He suffered greatly from Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party. Over the previous three sessions, He was the officer of alliances and the obligatory passage for the formation of the government, But today he has been able by many means to occupy him with the percentage of discount, which he may not exceed, And to remove him from the stock exchange of the government formation in which he was hurt and forced him to build alliances that he does not want.

Follow in Netanyahu a magician, glamorous and accomplished engineer

There is no doubt that Gideon Sa’ar has become a major nuisance for him, And that by splitting from the Likud Party and forming the “New Hope” party, It may get a percentage of influential right-wing votes, But Netanyahu did not cut the threads of his communication with his team, He did not lose hope in their loyalty to the Likud, It seems that even after the results of the elections are released, he will be able to win over some of them. and their deportation to his party again, But he is careful to keep Sa’ar away from him, Nevertheless, he wants him to be weak-feathed, deprived of any rallying around him or supporting him.


While Naftali Bennett tries to evade Netanyahu’s grip, and the formation of a bloc of far-right parties, in a way that threatens Netanyahu or forces him to ally with him, The latter is constantly trying to return to the engineering of right-wing parties, and influence on religious parties, Taking advantage of Bennett’s lack of brilliance, and his lack of charisma of leadership and leadership that drives his loyalists to rally around him, It reminds Israelis of its contradictions and inability to take firm and serious decisions in difficult times and entrenched crises, Netanyahu seeks to deprive Bennett of Lieberman’s inheritance as a likely center of gravity in forming a government. This is done by giving an independent personality to the parties forming the Yemeni bloc, enabling it to move from Yamina to Likud, This deprives Bennett of the possibility of manoeuvring or negotiation and blackmail.


On the other hand, the Arab Joint List, which in the previous three elections had held nearly thirteen Knesset members, Netanyahu has been able to weaken them, divide them, disperse their voices and sow discord among them. After his success in winning over Mansour Abbas, And his promise that if he joins his coalition and votes for it when the government is formed, responding to the requests of Arab citizens, and improve their living conditions, The latter even promised a ministry in his government, According to opinion polls, the United Arab List headed by him is expected to receive four votes.


There is no talk about the future of Blue and White, led by Benny Gantz, who lost to Netanyahu and helped dismantle his coalition and the collapse of his party. He is not expected to be represented in the next Knesset, So is the case with the weak and crumbling parties of the left, But Yair Lapid remains crouching for Netanyahu, And waits for the opportunity to pounce on him, But Netanyahu knows that it is impossible for Lapid’s camp to get more than 48 votes in the Knesset. Except if the impossible happens and he allies with the extreme right, which will never be achieved, Even if Naftali Bennett wishes, he hopes to head the government on a rotating basis.


Although Netanyahu is in danger, But he sees that he was created on the tongues of bayonets to fight, He is destined to live with his sword to defend his beliefs, But he boasts that he is in the middle of the sea crashing waves, able to find his way, and defines its objective, and reaches its destination, Do not rule out that he will return as the head of the Israeli government arrogant and boast of his victory without a rival. In what I think is the last height that paves the way for a fatal fall, Which Netanyahu not only fears, Rather, all Jewish parties warn against it, that the conclusion of the State has been oversighted, The time of elevation is over, And the demise of the entity has come its time and its time has arrived, And his signs appeared, And his sun began to set last.