Meshaal draws up a strategy to protect Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque


To write: Emad Afaneh

The call of the head of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas abroad Khaled Meshaal to stir up international public opinion about the occupation attacks on Jerusalem and “Al-Aqsa, Due response to the magnitude of the growing challenges facing the Holy City, At the heart of it is the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque , With the escalation of the attempts of the Zionist enemy to establish Jewish facts in it, On the way to erecting his so-called temple on the ruins of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which he continues to excavate with tunnels that wriggle under it like a snake.


The Zionist-American enemy has been working for many years to provoke conflicts and conflicts in the Middle East . So that everyone is busy extinguishing fires in their respective areas, About the preoccupation with extinguishing the central fire that has been burning in Palestine since the 1948 Nakba in Palestine, Specifically in the Holy City and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, Until the crimes of the enemy in the Palestinian territories in general and in the Holy City in particular became a regular occurrence, And no longer arouses anyone in Arab, Islamic or international public opinion, Hence Meshaal’s important call at this sensitive and dangerous time, To re-position the aggressions of the occupation on the city of Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, At the forefront of the international public opinion agenda, Palestine and Al-Aqsa will return to the focus of attention of international decision-makers.


As the Palestinian people, we will not be able to put the issue of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque on the international agenda unless we can put it at the top of the agenda of the resistance. At the forefront of the agenda of the Palestinian people, At the forefront of the nation’s concerns about its forces and governments, This hierarchy of interest in the issue of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, hierarchically linked, It begins with the first phase by placing it at the top of the resistance agenda, Then the other Palestinian, Arab, Islamic and international levels begin to take their role successively. According to the extent of the resistance’s impact on the regional and international scene and agenda, Just like what happened during the Battle of the Sword of Jerusalem, In which the resistance won to cleanse the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the desecration of the Zionist media march, The Palestinian people revolted in various places where they were, The peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world revolted with him.

Continued in Meshaal draws a strategy to protect Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque

And the torch of that old leader of the resistance, Who survived a cowardly Zionist assassination attempt in Jordan on September 25, 1997, It culminated in the release of the martyr Sheikh of the resistance, Ahmed Yassin, He seems to have read this equation well, He raised his voice addressing everyone, Why would we be ashamed to say that the title of our conflict is Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem? At a time when the occupation is not ashamed to reveal its extremist religious face.’


And here is Meshaal drawing the strategy against the strategy of the enemies, arson-based, and digging up conflicts, and stirring up strife, and the war industry in the region, So that everyone is preoccupied with his worries, While the enemy is devoted to singling out Palestine, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, confiscating and Judaizing.
Mashaal declares that the plan to confront this strategy of the enemies is based on the enemy’s distraction from Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is done by working to open the resistance fronts in all their natural and supposed locations, describing it as the greatest protection for Al-Aqsa Mosque. Will Hamas and all the resistance forces work in the coming days to ignite the fronts surrounding the enemy, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt? And start carrying out resistance and occupation operations to force the enemy to remove its hand from Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, which is threatened with demolition and confiscation!


Note that the typographers who direct the biggest insults to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, They will not be able to ignite the fronts around the enemy, They continue their shame in covering up the Temple groups, who are preparing to take control of Al-Aqsa Mosque and impose a temporal and then spatial division little by little.


The success of Meshaal’s new strategy will inevitably overcome the weakness of the Palestinian leadership’s lax and flabby position. It will have a profound impact in healing the wounds of the bleeding nation, It will put an end to the enemy’s dreams of controlling the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.


However, the success of Meshaal’s strategy is closely linked to the continued steadfastness of our people stationed in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is also linked to the growth of this phenomenon to spread to all our people inside Palestine, who are recognized for playing a central and very important role in thwarting the enemy’s plans to control the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Judaization of the Holy City, By stationing them in it, Through their continuous support for the steadfastness of its people by all means and means, On behalf of more than a billion Muslims in defense of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.