(And let them see what they have exalted)

D. Nasr Fahjan – Gaza

Meaning of Tabir

Destruction is depreciation and destruction, smashing, crushing, crushing, fragmenting, So that there is nothing left of what has been done by itself, In this Allah, may He be exalted, says through Noah (peace be upon him): (And do not increase the oppressors except a match) {Noah: 28}، That is, it only increases their destruction and destruction that does not keep them remaining.

When is the Tabir


This reverence will not take place until after entering Jerusalem. And the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque: (And let them enter the mosque as they entered it the first time), This entry will be violent and powerful in which the Holy City will be liberated from the Israeli occupation, which is supported by the forces of global oppression. In a state of official Arab betrayal, This calls for fighting everywhere in Jerusalem. As they did the first time they spied through home: (So they spied through the homeland, and it was a promise that worked.)
Entering Jerusalem (Jerusalem) will be the pinnacle of victory, And the goal of the mujahideen in the second stage after the abuse of faces, In preparation for the discharge, It is the third and final stage in the promise of the hereafter, Especially since Jerusalem is the city that the Jews use as the central capital of their political and sovereign power, Therefore, I believe that the most fruitful will be in Jerusalem.

(And let them see what they have been above in Tabira):

I can stand at some of the meanings and connotations in the verse:

1. (What’s above):

The first indication: That is, what they seized and controlled by force, oppression and dominance, Those who enter Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque will repay what they controlled, overcame and conquered by force, fighting and victory. As (what) is a relative noun in the sense of which.
That is, they will be justified and destroy the fortresses and sites in which the Jews were holed up. They are as Allah Almighty said about them: (They only fight you all in fortified villages or behind walls) {Cramming: 14}، They have nowhere to go, They do not find a group to which to align.
It is clear that what is seized and controlled from military sites, walls, fortresses and sovereign sites is after fierce and violent battles with the Jews. These sites deserved to be destroyed, destroyed and destroyed by the symbolism of Israeli sovereignty, power and presence in Jerusalem and the blessed land.
I don’t think that civil institutions such as schools, hospitals and public institutions should be restored. Housing that can be used to house more than six million Palestinian refugees in the diaspora since 1948 has not been available. It is a restored right for them, It is as Allah Almighty said to the Muslims after their conquest of Banu Qurayza: (And I bequeath to you their land, their homes, their homes, their money, and a land that you have not set foot on, and God was mighty over everything) {Parties: 27}.
Excellence is not limited to the material aspect, Rather, it is a tribute to the great Israeli height, And to destroy what Israel symbolizes of power, arrogance, arrogance, control, injustice and corruption.
Second indication: We can also understand from the words of the Almighty: (What is above) that they will be justified as they rise and triumph, That is, their victory and superiority continued on the grounds that (what) is circumstantial for time.
Whatever the understanding, in both matters will be the righteousness of strength, dominance and superiority, Israeli corruption will disappear from the blessed land.

2. (Tabeera):

And in the disobeying I oppress myself for the Jews and shame to anger their souls with heartbreak, pain and sadness, As in the words of the Almighty: (You did not cut off the soft or left it based on its origins, God willing, and to disgrace the wicked) {Cramming: 5}، The shame involves heartbreak, As well as the shame and exposure of the impact of defeat.

3. (Tetbira):

absolute effect, He came to confirm the verb (and let it be justified), It is a real absolute occurrence, It makes us imagine destruction and destruction as if it were happening before us without the constraints of this destruction, destruction and fragmentation.
The process of cleansing that will be carried out by the servants of God is very strong for all the symbols of Israeli corruption in the blessed land of Palestine, It will mean the end of Israel, and its complete demise, And all the manifestations of their great superiority will disappear with it, So they will not have political elevation, And no economic superiority, No military height, No media superiority, The victorious mujahideen will control military and civilian airports and what is in them. The ports and their warships and civilians will become spoils for the victors, They will benefit from it in their next state, God willing.