Essam Adwan’s theory of the fall of Israel from a historical perspective
D. Essam Adwan
Circles are a cosmic year:
From the laws of God in the universe system of cycles, Whether the rotation of planets, electrons and neutrons, or the cycles of elements, water and air, So is the case with civilizations and states, This is what sociology has reached and has become a law that governs the march of civilizations and nations. Some older people have seen how the Soviet Union came about. And how he strengthened and extended his influence in the world, Then how it collapsed and disintegrated in the lifetime of one human being (1917-1990 AD).
The Algerian philosopher Malik Bennabi referred to the cycle of history, And we have to look where we are from them, If we locate them, it is easy for us to know Factors of rise or fall .
Labor and birth of the metamorphosis state:
The World Zionist Organization was founded in 1897 in order to establish the Zionist entity. Fifty years later, this entity was born mutated (i.e., deformed), The goal of the Zionist Organization was to establish its entity in more than the area of historic Palestine, It also aimed to make the entity purely Jewish, free of any other race, And both desires did not come true, Israel was established in 1948 on 77.4% of Palestine. But there are 150,000 Arabs left in it, Israel believed in its ability to deform and tame the Arabs. Which proved to be a failure in the battle of the Sword of Jerusalem, It sought to expand and settle until it carried out its great aggression in 1967, Twenty years after her birth.
Peak stage (high altitude):
Israel’s peak reached its peak in the 1967 war. When three Arab countries were defeated, and occupied parts of its territory, Until Israel controlled 230% of Palestine. Whatever may be said that Israel’s political, economic and corrupt influence worldwide is its great height, However, geographical expansion is the clear evidence of this altitude, Given that Israel is fundamentally expansionist, This expansion reached its extent in the 1967 war. And that was the peak stage in every sense of the word, Israel is at the top of its historical cycle.
Trend Downward:
The laws of God are going on and doing their deeds, With both the Muslim and the infidel, Thus, we found Israel in retreat, inclined towards the third quadrant downward, In a slow decline as follows:
Her ego led her to seek to strike the fedayeen in their bases east of the Jordan River, Its defeat was in the Battle of Karama on 21/3/1968.
It then began to fortify its northern valleys with electronic fences to protect itself from fedayeen strikes since 1969.
Then I was surprised by the sweeping Egyptian-Syrian attack in 1973. It was forced to withdraw from a few parts of West Sinai despite gaining additional temporary territory. However, its prestige was undermined, which was shaken.
It then withdrew from about the western half of Sinai in accordance with the Second Sinai Agreement in 1975.
It then withdrew from all of Sinai by signing the Camp David Accords with Egypt in 1978.
Israel prepared for the idea of establishing self-government for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. As Project Begin (1979), and the Moshe Dayan Project (1980), This is contrary to the Zionist ideology, which rejects the Arabs remaining in Palestine. This is an indicator of its vulnerability.
Israel launched its attack on Lebanon in 1978 and occupied its south. It has not been able to end the Palestinian-Lebanese resistance, It then occupied a larger area in 1982. Although this is seen as a strength in its favor, However, the end of the matter with its humiliating withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000 made these imaginary victories that soon faded.
Israel agreed to grant the Palestinians autonomy in accordance with the Oslo Accords of 1993. The Palestinian Authority handed over 60% of the Gaza Strip. and less than 40% of the West Bank.
Israel’s decline reached the point that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin stated in 1994 that Israel should replace the means of establishing a Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates from military means to agricultural tractors. A metaphor for peaceful means through peace with neighboring Arab countries, This has resulted in economic and political openness. This is Israel’s realization of its weakness. And compensate for the mirage of her dreams.
The Intifada of the Blessed Stones since 1987 has led to the rapid transition of Israel to the state of imbalance that precedes the collapse, so Israel crossed the third quarter of the circle towards falling. This intifada was accompanied by Israeli regressions, such as the insult to the face that God promised the Israelites before the destruction of their great height. The Almighty said: {If the promise of the Hereafter comes, let them blacken your faces and enter the mosque as they entered it for the first time, and see what is above them} (Al-Isra 7) The abuse of the face will precede entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque, And that has happened and is happening, Among its manifestations: Developing countries have withdrawn from hiring retired Israeli generals to train their troops after they found Israel unable to defend itself against stone children and primitive Palestinian resistance strikes.
Countries (such as France and India) retracted their deals to buy Merkavah tanks, which Israel was proud of after seeing how they were melted by improvised Palestinian resistance mines.
Ezra Weizmann (1993-2000) pledged in his inaugural speech that his reign would see the number of Jews in Israel reach seven million. And this did not happen, Rather, the Al-Aqsa Intifada since 2000 has led to the growth of adverse Jewish immigration. From Israel to abroad, Most of the world’s Jews refrained from going to Israel. Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister of Israel, also failed to achieve his goal of bringing in One million Jews to Israel during his premiership, and it got worse after the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in 2014, Thus Israel has lost or almost lost, One of the two pillars on which the Zionist project was based: Jewish immigration and settlement.
As for settlements, the Al-Aqsa Intifada prompted Israel to recalculate and withdrew from Gaza settlements in 2005, and Sharon resolved to withdraw from some West Bank settlements. The popular resistance in the West Bank is chasing the settlers in night confusion and other disturbances. This is its second pillar, which is declining. Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper published on 12/12/2005 the words of retired General Ami Ayalon, former head of the Shin Bet, as saying: “The settlement in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was a continuation of the Zionist concept, The settlers must realize that their historic function is over.” He stressed that Israel would eventually withdraw from the occupied West Bank.
At a time when the world is open to each other and barriers, borders and walls between countries are removed, Israel has no way to protect itself from the strikes of the mujahideen except to lock itself in a Zionist ghetto behind the apartheid wall around the West Bank. On the borders with Gaza, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, It is the worst thing Israel has done towards its future. It ends forever the phase of expansion and expansion. So that the words of God Almighty applied to them: “They will not fight you all except in fortified villages or behind walls.” (Hashr 14).
The Israeli withdrawal from the settlements of the Gaza Strip in 2005 was a historic moment. It is evidence of Israel’s inability to achieve its great dream of a state from the Nile to the Euphrates. and its inability to retain the entire “promised” land, And fail after forty years of retaining settlements in the Gaza Strip, In a stark spectacle on her old age.
With the weakness of the Gaza Strip due to the international blockade imposed on it since Hamas won the elections in 2006, However, Israel has not been able to touch the armed resistance through four wars it has waged against the resistance in the Gaza Strip. There is no doubt that people have seen the difference and great retreat between Israel in 1967. And between Israel in 2021.
Those who follow Israeli newspapers can see the extent of terror and confusion in Israeli society. which confused his economy, and increased suicides, and frequenting psychiatric clinics, and complaining about military service, and the leakage of weapons to the Palestinians, and the like, As well as tainting the reputation of its leaders with bribery, adultery and financial and moral corruption, Like Moshe Kassab, Ehud Olmert, and Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israel’s failure in its aggression against Lebanon in July 2006 to eliminate the Lebanese resistance, As a prelude to the formation of a new Middle East in which there is no place for resistance, At the same time, Israel has been unable to crush the Palestinian resistance. It has become a nightmare that haunts Israel and exacerbates its danger.
The growth of the Palestinian resistance, and its warning for the first time to Israel to stop its hostile measures in Jerusalem in May 2021, and its start with the first strike, without Israel being able to avenge its dignity, which clearly indicates the state of weakness and aging that Israel has become.
Add to this the CIA’s estimates of the end of Israel in the middle of this decade, U.S. Secretary of State Kissinger’s estimates, The early years of the twenties will see Israel’s demise. Indeed, former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, on the hundredth anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, stated his hope that Israel would pass its eighth decade. This indicates the terrible psychological fracture suffered by the state and its leaders.
The unprecedented new features revealed by the Battle of the Sword of Jerusalem in May 2021, From being it: The first battle for Jerusalem, The Palestinians of the interior joined it after Israel thought that their belonging to Palestine would end, and the attempt of the Palestinians of Jordan to cross the border, And the attempt of large numbers of the Iraqi people to head towards the border with Palestine via Jordan, The United States of America retracts the promised arms deal by Israel, And everyone’s feeling that America has begun to abandon Israel, and the departure of some of the launchers from Lebanon and Syria, As well as the unprecedented challenge of Palestinian resistance. All of this signals the near end of Israel.
The above makes me think that Israel will complete its confusion and imbalance and exceed the third quarter of the circle down in 2017. It was the year that United States President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and decided to move his embassy to it. He tried to impose Israel through what he called the deal of the century, Israel has struggled with the state of gradual decline since 1967 for fifty years. Like someone who struggles with illness for years ending in his death, Then the wheel of change will accelerate so that Israel will complete its cycle in the fourth quarter of the circle to reach the nadir and decline in about five years later approximately (i.e. around 2022). It is one-tenth of the period in which I struggled with the state of gradual decline.
Follow the fall of Israel from a historical perspective
: Why one-tenth of the period of decline?:
It cannot be said that the state of loss of balance is at the third quarter of the circle (90 degrees) to reach the point of decline at the bottom of the lower circle (180 degrees) in twenty years, for example, It is as if to say that fifty years spent in Israel in gradual decline will be followed by another fifty years to reach the bottom, This is impossible, The trends of the historical movement indicate that events have accelerated since the first intifada. It has gained autonomy as in the laws of mechanical motion. Such a transition is not expected to be within a year, for example, Where it will seem as if it was suddenly done, It is not in line with the trends of the historical movement in general. We can also say that what the Zionist Organization founded between 1897-1948 AD resulted in the birth of the state after fifty years. Parallel to the period of Israel’s transition from a state of high altitude to a state of imbalance, which is also fifty years (1967-2017), Whereas the establishment and expansion of the State is usually more difficult than its fall, The expansion of Israel took twenty years (1948-1967). Therefore, rolling them beyond the point of imbalance (2017) will undoubtedly be faster in time, This is consistent with the design of the elliptical universe.
Provisions of old age:
As long as Israel is moving towards its completion, Nothing cures the diseases of her old age, and therefore, Everything Israel does will be part of the actions of its old age, which will end with its annihilation. Whether its behavior is violent or political, the result will not change (and every nation has a deadline, and if it comes for them, they will not delay an hour and will not be brought in) (Al-A’raf 34). It remains to be said that our actions as Palestinians have an important role in the movement of history that is dragging Israel towards its destruction. Armed resistance – according to this vision – is moving towards the movement of history, It would therefore accelerate Israel’s doom in all cases. As for political negotiations, agreements, truces and peace with Israel, It is going against the movement of history and will give Israel some fortifying vitamins that will not prevent its destruction on the date known to God. We have worked hard to set it as a maximum and approximately 2022.
This means that Israel can no longer be a threat to Palestinian armed resistance. There is no danger to the Palestinian people or other Arab peoples. From now on (this article was first published on 24/7/2005 in some websites and local newspapers) Israel will accept the blows inflicted on it. without being able to finish off the resistance. This requires that the resistance develop its means and increase its action without hesitation or fear. Be sure that Israel, if its due date comes, will not delay, There is nothing to resist but action, And God takes care of achieving the results, God will bless the efforts of the faithful and destroy their enemy (enter the door against them, and if you enter it, you are overcomers and trust in God if you are believers) (Al-Ma’idah 23).
{God is overcoming, but most people do not know} (Joseph 21).
The author presented this theory in a special lecture for academic supervisors at Al-Quds Open University – Gaza Educational Zone on Saturday 6/10/2007 AD corresponding to Ramadan 24 1428 AH