The conflict between Abbas and Dahlan and national reconciliation

Books // Emad Zaqout

Every once in a while, the state of conflict between PA President Mahmoud Abbas and the head of the Democratic Reform Movement, Mohammed Dahlan, is renewed. All the motives of their problems and the complexities of their relations surface, All of this has repercussions on the Palestinian arena, whether we like it or not, and writing about them is neither a luxury nor an extremism.

Our people have the right to be informed about what is happening on the scene. One of the most important repercussions of Abbas Dahlan’s conflict is that the PA and Fatah resorted to rapprochement with Hamas and presented the idea of legislative and presidential elections.

And to be close to reality, Mahmoud Abbas fears that the relationship between Hamas and the reformist movement will lead to support for Dahlan in any future presidential elections. This scarecrow that I do not think has a share of reality except that it forced the authority to restart the button of national unity and inclusive elections.

One of the factors that ignited the conflict between Abbas andDahlan was the signing of a peace agreement between the UAE and Bahrain on the one hand and the occupation state on the other under American auspices. It seems that one of the outcomes of that agreement will be the restructuring of the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, Dahlan is the most supportive Emirati to be president of the authority. This prompted Mahmoud Abbas to launch a fierce security campaign against Dahlan’s movement in the West Bank.

Continue on the conflict between Abbas and Dahlan and national reconciliation:

According to the Palestinian Safa news agency, President Abbas issued strict and strict instructions against the Dahlan movement, He entrusted the task to the Military Intelligence Service, which was able to uncover Dahlan’s financial line in the West Bank. Surprisingly, it was high-ranking PA officials who transferred the money from abroad to the West Bank.

This confirmed to Mahmoud Abbas that Dahlan is strongly present within the PA civilian and security institutions. He seeks to control its pillars and pave the way for his assumption of the reins and leadership.

In any case, Mahmoud Abbas will have an important speech at the meeting of the secretaries-general early next month. But our Palestinian people and their factions are tired of Abbas’s repeated words that sometimes tickle emotions. In this context, in order to be closer to national unity, the Palestinian Authority andFatah must clearly and effectively announce the cessation of security coordination and the activation of resistance in all its forms. And abandon the settlement path that proved to be a failure.

In order to create the atmosphere for the rearrangement of the Palestinian house on its national origins, we must form the joint leadership of the popular resistance against the occupation. And to launch it in the West Bank in the face of normalization, annexation and the deal of the century, Before any talk of elections, If that happens, we will all stand behind Abu Mazen. Below that, power sells us illusion.