Seventeenth of Jumada al-Akhira:

It happened on this day,,

* Year 833 AH / March 1430 AD: The city of Thessaloniki was conquered by the Ottoman Sultan Murad II after a 3-month siege in which cannons were used.

* Year 1320 AH / September 1902 AD: The Ottoman army puts down the revolt of the Bulgarians in Macedonia, which belonged to the Ottoman Empire.

* In 1355 AH / September 1936 AD, the battle of Balaa broke out between the Arab mujahideen led by Fawzi al-Qawqji and the British army, as part of the battles of the Palestinian revolution.

* Year 1361 AH / July 1942 AD The start of the First Battle of El Alamein is one of the battles of World War II that took place near the village of El Alamein in Egypt between the British Eighth Army and the Axis forces. It ended with the victory of the Eighth Army.

* In 1402 AH / April 1982 AD, an extremist Zionist group led by Meir Kahane storms the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

* Year 1412 AH / December 1992 AD Dropping the item of jihad from the agenda of the Islamic Summit in Dakar, Senegal.

* Year 1431 AH / May 2010 AD interception of the Turkish ship Marmara by the Zionist naval force, The ship was carrying humanitarian aid to those trapped in Gaza. In the open international waters of the Mediterranean, More than 10 people are killed on board.

Prepared by/a. Mohamed Hamdi Maddokh