About the Center

Since the establishment of the East Center for Research and Culture We were keen to support new and old writers and authors with completely innovative, fully modernized, and unprecedentedly cheap printing and publishing systems, all of which brought about strong updates to traditional publishing systems and their conditions, and changed obsolete contract systems and outdated mechanisms, with the aim of facilitating printing and publishing mechanisms for independent authors, and the possibility of doing so on their own and easily, without any special conditions or complications. Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture All alternatives, services and mechanisms that serve the author in the first place from the idea of writing until the stages of publication and distribution, When it comes to self-publishing and publishing your own work, Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture is the best publishing house to help you with that.

Ensure your business

Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture All works carried out through it under the legal agreement and written contract between the parties, Therefore, the Center confirms that there must be a written contract in all transactions between authors and any third party (publisher) that is found for the owners of the display system to publishers. Also, in the publishing system for the benefit of the author, we never complete the work except in the presence of a legal contract, whether it is signed manually or electronically, according to the legal methods used in that..
Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture Full privacy for materials being worked on or received in any of our publishing systems, It cannot be leaked or reached any third party in any way, including personal information of individual writers and authors, And the statistics of contracts and all the data that must keep the privacy phase.

Encouraging scientific research

Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture Its services to writers and authors in various classifications and materials, provided that the material to be published rises to the level of publication and is fully owned by its owner, In terms of classification and classification, it provides Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture Support for all books in all categories, whether Islamic – scientific – literary – legal – political – academic – heritage – historical, including master’s and doctoral theses, As long as this article is accepted by the Center’s Publishing Committee, The center also provides all service works for printing and publishing operations, such as technical processing, preparation and design, Printing of all kinds and forms, And the Arab offering, office and electronic marketing, It also provides the work of linguistic review, control, correction, investigation and related branches .

Availability of all resources and teams

We are pleased to have all the resources available for the process of processing, preparing and directing the art of publications, Hence the printing and production process, Marketing, subtraction, advertising, accounting, etc., Never external support or support for work at any stage of the production process of our publications; Therefore, we also provide all specialized prepress services, As: (Linguistic review and adjustment team, correction, Drafting – Technical Preparation Team, output and grade, Design, graphic and drawing specialists – production management – marketing management – sales and accounting) and others.

All types of content without discrimination

No prior affiliations, no ideas or rules on the basis of which works are sorted and accepted or not, No filtering based on affiliation, or thought, the type or gender of the content, No prior sponsorship of specific works, One of our founding rules is orientation neutrality, All topics and all works in different categories get the same opportunities in presentation, reading and decision-making, There is no type of censorship or restriction of opinions, Nor do we hold the adoption or support of one opinion against another, or one substance without another, As long as the submitted work itself is worth publishing.

Advertising and double promotion

We seek to find distinguished writers and authors, All our programs and work policy are aimed at building the writer himself before the basis is the production of the book, A full-fledged and targeted working mechanism shall be established for each author who deserves it, From help and support in drafting, topics and testing, writing and preparation, Through support in publishing and distribution and even advertising, offering and promotion.

Special standards for production quality

In the process of producing our publications we have set special standards for production, Taking fully into account the best high-quality electronic output and printing systems, There are no options in the quality of production for the versions we release, Our versions are originally colorful, Prints can be monochrome or bicolor on demand, For all sizes and print types