Palestinian Refugee Book in Israeli Thought and Practice

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Name of the book / Palestinian refugees in Israeli thought and practice

Author’s Name/ A. Saeed Jamil Tamraz

International number/ 9789950060302

Number of pages / 323

Page Size / 17*24

Designed and directed by / Eng. Mohammed Ali Adwan

The Palestinian refugee issue arose in 1948. The result of an organized action of the war crime committed by Zionist gangs. The aim was to displace the people of Palestinian villages and cities. In other words, this means, Work to evacuate Palestinian land in a way that could facilitate the establishment of a “Jewish state”.

It was one of the results of the war of 1947-1949, More than 800,000 Palestinian refugees have been displaced to neighboring Arab countries, for example.

The Israeli position on the Palestinian refugee issue was based on a basic principle, It is: Evade its responsibility towards the emergence of the Palestinian refugee problem, claiming that it is not responsible for the issue of their expulsion from Palestine, and that they left him of their own free will, Although this claim was later proven to be untrue.

The Israeli position on the refugee issue during the various stages of the conflict was steadfast. And the lack of change in substance. The matter was further complicated by Israel’s abdication of its responsibility to find an appropriate solution to the refugee problem. Israel refuses to return the refugees to their homes in any case. It even demanded that they be absorbed into the Arab countries where they had taken refuge.

For this, This study came to examine the reality of the Israeli position towards the Palestinian refugee issue during the period between (1948-2018). The study was divided into three chapters as follows:

The first chapter in the book Palestinian Refugees in Israeli Thought and Practice deals with the study of the Israeli position on the Palestinian refugee issue during the years (1948-1966). He explained the determinants of the Israeli position on the refugee issue, And the “Israeli” position on international resolutions and projects to settle the issue. As well as Israeli measures to prevent the return of refugees to their homes, and confiscation of their property.

Chapter II discussed, The Israeli position on the Palestinian refugee issue during the years (1967-1990), Highlighting Israeli projects to settle the refugee issue, The Israeli position on international projects to settle the refugee issue, And the Israeli measures to liquidate the Palestinian camps in the Gaza Strip.

The third chapter reviewed the Israeli position on the Palestinian refugee issue during the Arab-Israeli peace negotiations (1991-2018).

In conclusion, the study concluded that there is no solution to the conflict except by the return of refugees to their cities and villages from which they were expelled. Moreover, Israel bears historical, political, legal and moral responsibility for the emergence of the refugee problem and its failure to resolve it.


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