A waterfall novel from memories

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A waterfall novel from memories


Author Name / Dr. Muhammad Abdul rahman Abu Sardanah

International number/ 9789950060487

Number of pages / 300

Page Size / A5

Through this long story that deals with part of the suffering of the Palestinian people in their struggle with the Jews on the land of Palestine ….
It is a model of generational conflict for the new generation to understand, as we see in it:
It is fundamentally an ideological conflict.
And a struggle over identity, heritage and thought.
and a struggle over land and its goods.
and a struggle for existence, living and life.
And a struggle that reached the blood cells in the same body.


They entered our land, our heritage, our thought and our lives in its minutes, and finally they entered into our veins and arteries the adhesion of the nail to the finger and poisoned our blood!!


This is a novel of everything mentioned in the character of the Palestinian protagonist “Hassan” …
They created gangs of mercenaries and murderers and called them youth organizations.


They made a deadly army, attacks civilians, Children are abducted, He destroys houses on the heads of their owners and calls it a defense army.


They made a state that usurped the land, displaced the population, killed men and women, terrorized children, possessed nuclear bombs and built a very unique model for the terrorist apartheid state and called it the oasis of democracy.
All silently and quietly.


A waterfall novel from memories

And we scream… We are returning and sleeping our long night…..”The bones of things are taken away, and neither the silent dream nor the good intentions recline.”


They made a state of injustice, We are a country that has created a dream that has evolved into an illusion!!!


Wake up, Palestinians……


Summary of the novel:


Pictures of the suffering of the Palestinian people since 1917 narrated by events that happened with the novel A young man named Hassan suffered from the horrors of the events of Palestine and what it suffered from the British occupation and how Palestine was handed over to the Jews and from the Zionist occupation and what he did from terrorism and abuse of the Palestinian people.


And the tragedy of this young man who was destined by circumstances to marry a Jew!! And his suffering from this, And what the Zionist gangs did to the Palestinian people to force them to leave Palestine and the positions of Arab leaders and their position on immigration and the events of the Palestine war, especially in the village of Hassan.
Al-Faluja” and the horrors of immigration – then the events of the June setback and the drama experienced by the protagonist
The novel showed the heroism of the Palestinian riot and its insistence on obtaining its fear and not to waste an iota of the soil of Palestine, no matter how long the journey and difficult the road.


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