Poem: God – Almighty –



Emad Muhammad Abu Nimah


God.. When I say it in my anguish
The anguish is erased and sorrows are bent!!


God.. From the bottom of my heart I said it
And she smiled from her light, the universes


God.. My wish and the purpose of my destination
The highest wishes, light and faith.


God.. In my poetry adorns my letters
So it smells of its weights?


God.. Purify and quench my drinks
God.. How much thirst is narrated by it!!


God.. My victory and the breaking of my troubles
In its shadow the devil is shattered
God.. In my heart and all my sides
God.. Pronounced by conscience


Continue in a poem: God – Almighty –


God.. My radiance and the light of my ambitions
And on the heads they are crowns


God.. His name is when my mouth utters it
And the trees will disappear from our depths


God.. Being loved in my greatest
God.. In my life are the homelands
God.. Ghaith overflowed in our souls
Neither the sea reaches him nor the beaches!!


God.. The Lord of people is the owner of our universe
He is my Creator, Blessed be the merciful


Oh God. It humanizes me and makes me feel better
And she will be pleased with his blessings of times


God.. The comfort of my wind and my bed
With his giving, man enjoys


God.. Deep inside me is a beacon
which is life, And remind him of reassurance


God.. From you I get all my needs
Is there anyone else in existence, Hanan?!
God.. The smile of my mind and my happiness
Our constitution is in our path of the Qur’an!!


God.. Our provider and our destiny
And glory in the path of guidance is proof


God.. My hopes and the source of my scholarship
The god is a giver of manan


God.. My antidote and balm our wound
God.. How much kindness is in charity


The universes sing it in a hymn
The pilots and the artists praise it
God.. A brilliant eternal light
God in my thirst is Rayyan


God.. There is majesty and holiness in it
God.. One Lord of the Judge.


God.. My soul in my whole life
And it is a refuge for my approach and safety


God.. My love, I don’t want to get attached.
With someone else so accept me Aya Rahman