Interpretation of the Almighty’s saying (blessed are those in the fire and around it)


By Dr. Nasr Fahjan – Gaza
Allah says: (And when he came to her, it was called to bless those in the fire and those around it, and glory be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds) Ants 8


The verse talks about Moses, peace be upon him, at the beginning of God’s assignment to him with the message, Having served the term and out of debt, In the Jabal al-Tur area, In the wildness of the night Anas from the side of the tor Nara: (When Moses said to his family, “I have forgotten a fire, I will bring you news from it, or I will bring you a shooting star, so that you may rise”), So he asked his family to stay and stay in their place, May he bring them a flame of fire, Or find on the fire Huda.


When Moses (peace be upon him) came to the fire, Allah called him: (And when it came, it was called to bless those in the fire and those around it), In this appeal, reassurance, rapprochement and inas of God Almighty to Moses, peace be upon him, who came to Hell in search of humanity and tranquility.



What is meant by the words of the Almighty: (Burke who is in the fire and around it)?
There are many sayings of the commentators in the interpretation of this verse, Among the most famous of these sayings:
1. What is meant by the words of the Almighty: (Who is in the fire): That is, the one who was in the fire when Moses (peace be upon him) came to it is God Almighty.



2. What is meant by the words of the Almighty: (Who is in the fire): That is, those who were in the fire when Moses (peace be upon him) came to it were the angels.



When discussing these two statements, we find that they are unacceptable because of their irregularity and error. The first saying makes the Most High Self (God Almighty) the One who is in Hell, This is a chilling saying, God Almighty is nothing like Him, It does not dwell in a space or place such as fire or otherwise, And we don’t embody it, We do not liken Him to anything Glory be to Him.


And to say that God Almighty was the one who was in the fire, A saying that contradicts the context in which the verse came, which is to bring about humanity, tranquility and rapprochement to Moses, peace be upon him, With this blessing.



And Allah, may He be exalted, does not suit His majesty, sanctity and greatness to be what is meant in His saying: (Burke of the Fire), God Almighty is active in blessing, The Almighty does not fall upon him the act of blessing, which suits his sanctity and majesty what God Almighty said about himself: (Blessed), as in the Almighty’s saying: (Blessed is he who is in the hand of the king and is over all things mighty).



The second statement, which is that those who were in Hell are angels, is not served by the context. The context is stated in Allah’s blessing of Moses (peace be upon him) and his closeness and kindness: (And we called him from the right side and brought him near, survived), It will become clear to us that the one who was blessed in the fire is Moses, peace be upon him, whom God Almighty brought to Tur. After he showed him the fire and missed him with it, There is no justification for saying that it is the angels whom God has blessed in the fire.



What I see is that what is meant by the words of the Almighty: (We say that blessed is the one in the fire and around it) is Moses, peace be upon him, And his family to whom he told them to stay, This is indicated by the context, As appropriate.
Some may ask: And how was Moses (peace be upon him) in the fire?



In the Arabic language , there are metaphors, metaphors and uses known to native speakers, For example, if we see a man standing under the sun, we say: He stands in the sun, That is, it stands in its light, rays and heat, Of course, we do not mean to say: It stands inside the sun sensually and physically, It is the same as what we understand from the words of God Almighty: (Burke of the Fire), That is, Moses, peace be upon him, was in the warmth of the fire, And in the aura of fire, In light of them, And not in the heart of the fire itself, Which brought him peace and tranquility.

Continue in the interpretation of the Almighty’s saying (blessed are those in the fire and around it)

And God Almighty calls Moses, peace be upon him, He begins his speech with him that he is blessed by God Almighty: (Anne Burke from the fire), And that in the hospitality of his Lord in this holy valley he folded, And that it is the choice of his Lord, Prophet and Messenger: (And I chose you, so listen to what is revealed.)



What is meant by the words of the Almighty: (and around her): They are the people of Moses (peace be upon him) to whom he said: (Stay still, I miss fire), They were close to and around the fire, And God Almighty wanted to reassure the heart of Moses, peace be upon him, on his family who are waiting for him as he promised them. And he said unto him: (That bless those in and around the fire), That is, you, O Moses and your family, have been blessed by God Almighty, In this blessed valley, There is no fear for you or desolation.



And God Almighty, as he blesses the people of Moses, peace be upon him, The people of Abraham, peace be upon him, were blessed before, This is what we find in the Almighty’s saying: (They said, “I wonder at the command of Allah, may Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you, Ahl al-Bayt, that it is Hamid Majeed”) Hud 73, It is the same as what Allah has authorized for the people of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the words of the Almighty: (But God wants to remove from you the abomination of the Ahl al-Bayt and purify you cleanly) Al-Ahzab 33, Muslims are still praying to the family of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, And to the family of Muhammad (peace be upon him) in their prayers: (May God bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim).
D. Nasr Fahjan – Gaza