Ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children (to write stories stories of boys)
ReviewThe following were invited to attend: General Union of Palestinian Writers and Writers Association of Writers in Palestine University Professors Friday Professors of Language and Literature in Palestinian Universities Writers who participated in the competition since its inception Media professionals and journalists Various media outlets Paper invitation
Reception Photos
The picture of the corporal of the ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
He came to the ceremony and played the role of divination Dr. Toxicity Wadi: PhD in Arabic Literature, Writer and media activist
Quran reader picture competition ceremony “lack them” for children
Reader A. Yehia Essam Sadek
The picture of the head of the center ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
Dr. Essam Mohamed Ali Adwan Head of the Center for the East Speech of the Center
Full text of the President’s speech
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, the Imam of the Messengers, And to those who follow him until the Day of Judgment, Distinguished Audience, Each by his name, surname and name, And all of you
People of stature and importance:
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you all, Allow me to express my love and gratitude to all our dear guests who attended this great and wonderful ceremony, And they made the party
With their presence more beautiful, reverent and joyful, And to present in my name and the name of the employees and honorees of this honorable ceremony, With great gratitude to you for truly accepting the invitation,
And for your effort taken from your schedule of important concerns to attend this event, Hello there.
We are pleased to meet you to honor the distinguished people who have reached a prestigious position, Their achievements deserve our admiration and praise.
This morning, we celebrate literature and writers in the first edition of the Arab literary competition “Lack of Them” launched by the Orient Center for Research and Culture.
As we live the pain of the martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan, In the prisons of the sadistic Zionist occupation, Let us read on his pure soul and the martyrs of Palestine and the conquering Arab nation,
(Moments of silence to read).
Allow me first to tour you on a tour with the East Center for Research and Culture, Which began in mid-2020 in the atmosphere of the global Corona epidemic, What he imposed
of the acceleration of the digitization process at all levels, It was necessary to have a pioneering idea that serves scientific research and literary and intellectual work on modern bases that respond to the progress of
means of publishing in the world, therefore, The center has been interested in encouraging the publication of research, books and writings in the form of internationally numbered e-books. bypassing international pricing restrictions,
We published dozens of e-books and document collections, Today, we announce to you the launch of an Arab campaign for free electronic publishing, Entitled: “A book for every writer”,
Which the center will bear its financial and technical burden in the service of scientific research and electronic Arabic writing.
The center was interested in scientific opinion polls, In particular, electronic, He has published a number of them. He also published a lot of literature in the field of poetry, story and Arab heritage, In order to
The center contributes to the rapprochement between the cultures of Arab countries.
Through its electronic platform, the Center has opened the way for scientific and intellectual lecture series and the publication of many of them, It attracts all concerned people on the scene for publication.
Arabic. It also provided all teachers with a platform to prepare evaluation and experimental questions with which to assign their students in universities and schools. And launched an electronic application to facilitate
Work between students and teachers collect the best of similar applications and increase them, His name is Teacher Tech.
In line with the efforts of digitization and electronic publishing, the Center launched an electronic art exhibition, Every painter can introduce the world to himself and his drawings, And to sell from it financially
And electronically whenever he wants.
With the launch of the “Lack of Them” competition to write stories for boys, The center has launched a march for high-end literary work, Embracing creative energies, and providing it with a platform
Universality transcends borders, It transcends traditional deployment obstacles.
More than 250 Arab writers have joined this competition. 42 writers arrived to compete for the first ranks, Four of them won it, Today we celebrate and honor them.
It should be noted here, That each writer participated in five stories ranging in number of words between two thousand and two thousand and five hundred words, It revolved around ten axes, she stood up
On ten lofty human values and principles:
Magnanimity and support for the oppressed – love of the homeland – my beautiful city – honesty and honesty – honoring parents – loyalty – knowledge we rise – good example – life makers – beauty.
The best tribute to these creative efforts is that they become accessible to the target group: boys and girls. Therefore
The Orient Center announces the launch of the “Read and Win” competition, which targets Arab boys in the world. Which employs twenty stories of the wonderful works that she produced
“Lack them” competition, Having been proofread, drawn and exported as wonderful e-books with international numbering, For boys to read during their summer vacation, And they answer on
her questions and qualify to win thirty prizes, The first of which is a thousand dollars, It concludes with a solemn festival. The competition links will be open to everyone starting from the tenth of May 2023.
We, In the atmosphere of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Nakba of the Palestinian people and the Arab nation with the loss of Palestine and the displacement of its people, Determined to erase the Nakba, and industry
A new history through our rising generation, Therefore “lack them”, We ask God Almighty to have our next festival on the liberated land of Jerusalem, And what is that on God dear.
Dear Guests, Our listeners and viewers from behind the screens and via live broadcasts, Your presence today and your rallying around us is a good spirit that gives us hope and seriousness
and diligence, With you and with you we rise and progress, So be with us always
Let us grow up with you.
Peace and mercy of God
Photo of the jury
The jury of the competition consisted of:
Prof. Abdel Fattah Abu Zaida:
Our teacher and poet, born in 1948, He is a professor of literary criticism, literature and rhetoric in Libyan universities until 2005. Then in the universities of Gaza in Palestine until now.
He has more than ten books in literature, criticism, novel, story and thought, He published four poetry collections, Three other collections are under publication.
Prof. Atef Abu Hamada:
Born in Palestine in 1959, He is a professor of literature and criticism at Al-Quds Open University. Former Director of the Department of Literary Creativity at the Ministry of Culture, Member of the General Secretariat
To the Union of Palestinian Writers and Writers, He has also published many books, researches and poetry collections, And a lot of active activities in institutions and clubs
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Kallab:
Born in 1968, He is Professor of Literature and Critical Theory at the Department of Arabic Language at the Islamic University of Gaza. Secretary of the Palestinian Writers and Writers Association. Deputy Dean of Branch
South at the Islamic University of Gaza (formerly), Former Chairman of the Cultural Committee at the Faculty of Arts at the Islamic University of Gaza, He has effective and great achievements and contributions to
Many literary, critical and academic fields.
The jury delivered a speech on its behalf: Dr. Atef Abu Hamada
Full text of the jury’s speech
Jury Speech:
In the name of God the most Merciful, the most Compassionate
Distinguished Audience,
At the outset, I would like to welcome all of you, and to thank on my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in the jury, Prof. Abdel Fattah Abu Zaida, Prof. Mohamed Kallab, and the East Research Center.
And culture headed by Brother Prof. Dr. Essam Muhammad Ali Adwan, and I cannot fail to welcome all participants and thank them for this great literary effort to serve the Arabic language
Preserving the authenticity and identity of young people, who are the future of this nation.
We would like to inform you that nearly seventy writers of various Arab nationalities have participated in this competition. The management of the center has been working on compiling it
And classify them and present them with secret numbers to the jury, whose members worked individually ….. to read all works and evaluate them according to criteria previously approved by
The Committee and the management of the Center, The works were then returned to the management of the center, which sorted them and arranged them according to the total scores obtained by each participant based on their commitment.
the technical standards governing form and content, It is not devoid of space for personal taste in a way that does not harm credibility and transparency.
The committee’s attention was drawn to the convergence of the high standards of some of the winning writers without diminishing the value of many other works and their high literary status. And I don’t reveal a secret
That I felt pleasure while reading despite the hardship, Especially in the atmosphere of the holy month of Ramadan.
Hence the consultation with the management of the center to sort the winners, namely:
Victory of a bug
Hisham Ajaran
Mustafa Gomaa
Noura Obaid
In conclusion, I can only congratulate on my own behalf and on behalf of the jury and all the attendees, the winners, I wish success to the other participants, and I also cannot fail to warn our children and parents.
Their honorable affairs indicate that these literary works are worth reading, …. And that the intervention of every Arab home seeks to preserve authentic Arab values and noble human qualities.
and thanks
Your brothers the jury of the competition lack for them
Photo of honoring the jury
Honoring Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Abu Zaida:
Honoring Prof. Atef Abu Hamada:
Honoring Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kallab:
4 writers won the competition, Make believe:
First place and a prize of one thousand dollars: Victory over Baaleh:
The daughter of Damascus countryside from Syria, She holds a bachelor’s degree in French language from Damascus University. She has published three collections of short stories, And she has posts in literature
Children from them in the tales of light, and the dreams of a painter, It was also honored with many awards in the same field, Including the Syrian Ministry of Culture Award for Children’s Literature in 2018.
In second place and its prize is six hundred dollars: Hisham Ajaran:
The son of the Arab Maghreb, born in 1977, He has published many works of fiction, of which “angels and demons” And a novel: “The Swamp of Sin”, and a group
Anecdotal: “Grapes of Wrath”, He won many awards at the local and Arab levels in the field of artistic narrative.
And by rank The third and its prize is four hundred dollars, It was shared by two winners:
Prof. Mustafa Attia Gomaa:
Egyptian nationality, A pioneer in the field of literary creativity, And a lecturer at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait, At the Islamic University of Minnesota in the United States, as for
For his critical and Islamic contributions, they are very many that abounded in libraries and universities, As for his literary creations between a novel and a collection of short stories, These include: faces
for life, yellow dream cocoon, pus rash, gray rain, rainbow bumps, And many, many more awards and works.
Noura Obaid:
Daughter of Green Tunisia, She is a lecturer of Arabic language and literature in Tunisian preparatory schools and institutes, She has participated in many national literary and cultural forums.
and international. Among the most prominent publications in narrative works:
Gabion mirrors, Stories of forgotten details, And it has a divan of gates on oblivion worms, She has a novel for young people entitled The Crown of Life.
A copy of each winner separately with the certificate of appreciation awarded to him, And a copy of the prize check
Participated in receiving the award of Mr. Noura Obaid, President of the Palestinian-Tunisian Friendship Association, Ms. Hatem Shawa
A copy of the certificate of appreciation for each contestant who was honored in the ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
The Orient Center decided to honor each contestant who was not among the winners and some of his participating stories were accepted for publication on the Center’s website:

A picture of the attendees at the ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
Photos and links to the concert news in the print and electronic press
Noor News Agency “lack them” competition ceremony for children
To view the full news click here
Al , Bayader Al , Si
To view the full news click here
«East| Ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
Books / Sherif El Herkly
Yesterday, Sunday, May 7, 2023, Al-Sharq Center for Research and Culture carried out a ceremony honoring the winners of the Arab literary competition for boys’ stories entitled: “Lack of them” in a hotel
The beach “Orient House” on the beach of Gaza City.
Where the honoring began with the recitation of blessed verses from the Holy Quran read by the reciter Yahya Sadiq, Hence the Palestinian national anthem, And reading Al-Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs of the revolution
Palestinian and Arab.
Somaya Wadi shone in presenting the concert program.
In the presence of a group of writers, writers, poets and directors of cultural and literary centers.
A video was shown telling the story of the East Center and the extent of interest in electronic platforms, science, research, culture and literature, and the East is considered
One of the most important research centers in the world since its establishment in 2020, and it rises from success to success. Ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
Dr. Essam Adwan, head of the East Center for Research and Culture, said: After welcoming the guests, today we celebrate honoring the winning writers of the Arab competition
The stories of boys “lack them” within a series of literary and cultural events organized by the Orient Center that aim to promote free electronic publishing, fire
It has a name: “A book for every writer campaign,” which he said will continue until the end of the year at the level of the Arab world.
Adwan stressed that the center is about to repeat this great competition in the coming years in order to support the Palestinian and Arab literary scene.
For his part, Dr. Atef Abu Hamada spoke on behalf of the jury, which consists of “Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Abu Zaida, Dr. Muhammad Kallab” and they are the essence of the story participated in
The competition is more than 250 Arab writers, including 42 writers to compete for the first place and for transparency in form and content.
Giving grades to produce four winning writers with twenty selected stories produced by the applicants in a competition that will be placed in the form of e-books in my hands
The boys of the Arab world, Within a new competition called: “Read and win.”
He congratulated the winners and wished the other participants success.
Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Abu Zaida announced the names of the winners, and they are as follows:
• First place in the ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
The daughter of Damascus countryside Syria the writer
Intisar Baala prize value 1000$
• Second place in the ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
The son of the Arab Maghreb – the writer Mr. Hisham Agran – the prize value is $ 600
• Third place in the ceremony of the competition “lack them” for children
It was equally between a winner and a winner
The son of Egypt, the sister of the writer Prof. Mustafa Attia Gomaa, and the writer
Tunisia’s green daughter, Noura Obeid, has a prize of $200 each.
The winners with their letters and words build chapters of their stories are towering mountains flying in the sky of Arabic literature.
The winners spoke in their different Arabic dialects through Facebook applications about the extent of their love and gratitude to the Orient Center, Dr. Essam Adwan and beloved Palestine, and praised
For the good communication and the magnificence of interaction with them.
Honoring the Committee and the Winners
The giants of Palestinian literature stepped away from the podium: Dr. Issam Adwan, Eng. Muhammad Adwan, Mr. Abdullah Tayeh, Dr. Ahmed Muhaisen, Prof. Dr. Abdul Khaliq Al-Af.
The jury was honored with certificates of love and loyalty.
The winners were shown avatar images of the prizes, which are pictures of the checks that were delivered to them.
Accepted writers were honored some of their stories for publication.
Darwish was present among us now when he sang and said, “Soft rain in a new autumn and white birds, the East, Every day the sun rises something new.”