Ceremony honoring the winners of the competition shortage for them

A shortage contest for them.

The largest literary competitions in the Arab world are held in Gaza
Gaza – East Center: The Orient Center for Research and Culture held a literary concert at the Beach Hotel on the Gaza beach on the morning of Sunday, the seventh of May. This is to crown the winners of the competition launched by the center five months ago.

The ceremony was attended by a large group of senior writers and writers in the Gaza Strip, In addition to following the audience via live broadcast.

Al-Sharq Center was interested in the ceremony to include a variety of paragraphs, Dr. “Essam Adwan”, President of the East Center, began his speech by welcoming the attendees of writers and writers, In addition to introducing the idea of the center and its interests.

A speech was also delivered on behalf of the competition jury, The names of the winners and the names of the winning stories were announced for publication.

Adwan has announced in his speech about a new shortage competition for them for the center aimed at promoting free electronic publishing, To encourage young people and authors to write and publish so that culture spreads throughout Gaza, He named it: “A book for every writer campaign,” which he said will continue until the end of the year at the level of the Arab world.

Adwan also stressed the existence of a new competition called the competition shortage them, Twenty selected stories produced by applicants will be included in the “Lack of Them” competition and will be placed in the form of e-books in the hands of the boys of the Arab world in the “Read and Win” competition
He explained that thirty winners will receive valuable prizes starting from a thousand dollars.

Dr. Atef Abu Hamada continued, explaining that the committee worked with unparalleled integrity, transparency and impartiality. He praised the refined manner in which she adopted, He thanked the Orient Center and the participants in the competition.

Link to the speech of Dr. Essam Adwan, President of the Center: https://www.youtube.com/?hl=ar
Link to the definition of the “lack of them” competition: https://youtu.be/Y-EvrurLnBk

In addition to the Orient Center and the jury, the President of the Youth and Culture Authority in the Gaza Strip, Ahmed Muhaisen, participated in the honoring. And the Assistant Secretary of the General Union of Palestinian Writers and Writers, “Abdullah Tayeh”, And the President of the Association of Writers and Writers in Gaza, Dr. “Abdul Khaliq Al-Af”.
The Syrian writer “Intisar Baala” was able to get
  • First place

    which is estimated at a thousand dollars, She expressed her sincere thanks to the Center of the East and its wonderful performance in a recorded speech and a live one.

  • Second place

    Moroccan writer Hicham Agran, Which is worth six hundred dollars.

  • Third place

    It was won by both the Egyptian writer Mustafa Gomaa, and Tunisian writer Noura Obeid, Which is worth four hundred dollars.

The Center of the East did not lose sight of the non-winners, Dr. “Muhammad Adwan”, Director of Al-Sharq Center, explained that some stories have been accepted from the non-winning contestants and will be published at the Center. He presented them with certificates of appreciation in recognition of their efforts.
In conclusion, Adwan confirmed that the center will continue to repeat this great competition in the coming years, (Shortage competition for them) to support Arabic literature and encourage boys to read and write.