Political and historical articles

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دراسة: خسائر قطاع غزة تجاوزت 75 مليار دولار

دراسة: خسائر قطاع غزة تجاوزت 75 مليار دولار   أجرى مركز الشرق للأبحاث والثقافة دراسة خاصة لتقدير حجم الخسائر التي تسبب بها العدوان الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة خلال الشهور الستة من بدء العدوان منذ 7 أكتوبر 2023م.   شملت الدراسة تقديرا للخسائر البشرية والمادية والنفسية والبيئية، حيث تم وضع تقدير مالي لكلٍ منها، وفقاً لضوابط …

دراسة: خسائر قطاع غزة تجاوزت 75 مليار دولار Read More »

أوقفوا العدوان الهمجي على غزة

أوقفوا العدوان الهمجي على غزة

بيان صادر عن مركز الشرق للأبحاث والثقافة يدين فيه عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الهمجي على الشعب الفلسطيني   إننا في مركز الشرق للأبحاث والثقافة ندين بأشد العبارات العدوان الذي يشنه الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على الشعب الفلسطيني في قطاع غزة والضفة الغربية، كما يدين المركز ما تعرضت له مقدرات المجتمع المدني الفلسطيني، من مساكن، ومقرات حكومية، ومستشفيات، وسيارات إسعاف، ودفاع …

أوقفوا العدوان الهمجي على غزة Read More »

The Role of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Public Policy Formulation

The role of the Palestinian Legislative Council in formulating public policies and binding its decisions     legal Study,   Adviser/ a. Abdullah Mohammed Abu Loli   The question arises about the role of the Legislative Council in formulating public policies in Palestine. and the extent to which its decisions are binding, Where a group …

The Role of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Public Policy Formulation Read More »

Moroccan army partakes in Israeli conference to develop military skills

Moroccan army partakes in Israeli conference to develop military skills   By Farah Al-Dada Over the past decades, the Moroccan army has been known for its great interest in developing its military skills and combat capabilities. The commanders participated in many conferences and arranged events that raise the combat level of the country’s army and …

Moroccan army partakes in Israeli conference to develop military skills Read More »

The aggression on Gaza is an episode of the nuclear scenario

The aggression on Gaza is an episode of the nuclear scenario   ✍🏼M. Bilal Anwar Al-Barawi.   In Vienna, it was agreed on the six most difficult points of contention between America and Iran, and the disagreement remained only on the issue of guarantees, as Iran wants guarantees that no other American president will come …

The aggression on Gaza is an episode of the nuclear scenario Read More »

Haniyeh in Algeria … Location and timing semantics

Haniyeh in Algeria … Location and timing semantics   Author / Emad Afaneh   The leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, represented by its leader Ismail Haniyeh, and a high-level delegation participated in the celebrations of the anniversary of Algeria’s independence. This participation in the annual celebrations of brotherly Algeria carries connotations and distances …

Haniyeh in Algeria … Location and timing semantics Read More »

Igniting Resistance in the West Bank Against the Authority’s Will

Igniting Resistance in the West Bank Against the Authority’s Will   Strategic Estimation 9 April 2022   Dr. Ibrahim Habib Professor of Regional and Strategic Studies   Did the resistance succeed in igniting resistance in the West Bank and inside the West Bank despite the authority and bypassing the repressive measures of the occupation?   …

Igniting Resistance in the West Bank Against the Authority’s Will Read More »