Britain.. Ugly soft face

D. Hamdi Abu Laila


Britain was not ashamed of itself even 104 years after the issuance of its fateful promise (the Balfour Declaration) and its occupation of Palestine to create the conditions for the establishment of a Zionist gangster state on the land of Palestine….
She was not ashamed to commit massacre after massacre against millions of people of the lands it occupied in Africa and Asia, plundering its wealth and destroying its future. and stir up strife among its sects… and take its inhabitants as its slaves… and strip their skins of their meat… No to a crime they committed, except that they fathered oppression, injustice, injustice, occupation of land and obliteration of identity….



Her representative to the United Nations (Karen Pierce) was not ashamed 4 years ago when she stood boasting of her happiness that Britain was the direct cause of the establishment of Israel… It facilitated the immigration of Jews to Palestine and contributed to the formation of Zionist gangs and the expropriation of the real owners of the land in their favor through its High Commissioner Herbert Samuel, who is of Jewish origin…



Didn’t you practice real terror against the native North American Indians and against the indigenous people of Australia and South Africa? Etc.. and made them a testing ground for its various weapons…



Didn’t our Palestinian people and our nation pay a heavy price as a tax for Britain’s brutal and criminal behavior and the subsequent Zionist occupation with the aim of breaking free from the clutches of the occupier? Thousands of heroes followed and paid with their lives for freedom and liberation….
More than 100,000 martyrs and about one million prisoners since the Palestinian Nakba in 1948
4,850 of them are still behind bars…
We hope for an honorable deal to gain their freedom and return to the arms of their families.



Whoever committed the massacre of Deir Yassin and Nasser al-Din, the massacre of Khan Younis and the massacre of Qana be patient and Shatila….
Britain was and still is the hidden participant and bears full responsibility for these victims… Being the one who bears the responsibility for the existence of this entity…


Follow in Britain. Ugly soft face

It is not strange for Britain to accuse the people of resistance to the usurping occupier of terrorism…. Being the one who practiced terrorism wherever it was….



Therefore, it had to apologize to the Palestinian people for the crime it committed against them and bear the consequences of this disaster.



We call on the official and factional bodies to work on the formation of a human rights committee to demand that Britain in all international forums atone for its crime (apology, compensation and restoration of rights). ..
It is a crime that still extends in time and space…………